Hello, my name is Dong Kyun Kim, a junior at the University of Arizona as a Molecular and Cellular Biology major. Working with Dr. Frans Tax in the Molecular and Cellular Biology Department, as a UBRP student, has allowed me to pursue my interest in genomics research. In the Tab lab, we work with the Arabidopsis plant and we focus on analyzing the phenotypes of plants mutant for individual or multiple receptors and study signaling networks anchored by these receptors. Among these receptors, I focus on XIP1/CEPR1, a receptor protein that is involved in sensing nitrogen levels and regulating lateral root growth in the Arabidopsis. I aspire to become a MD/PhD with a focus in human genomics. I believe that an MD/PhD degree is necessary for me to pursue research that characterizes genetic mechanisms in humans, like metabolism and growth, while being able to apply this knowledge to diagnose and treat patients in a clinical setting. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to hip-hop and RnB. I really enjoy thrifting and learning more about fashion