My goodness, there are times that I so miss the Sonoran Desert, especially when I leave the desert grassland and get into the diverse vegetation that make up the desert that surrounds Tucson and I really like the scruffy shrubby plant Hyptis emoryi (now Condea emoryi. I’m behind the times. Dang!). The gray green leaves, the beautiful purple flowers and the scent of the plant. Yes, desert lavender! Plant one or two or three in your personal habitat to remind you of hikes in a hot Sonoran Desert.

The photo of Ed’s headstone is mine. It’s the print of a slide I took with my wonderful old Nikkormat FT back in the day. It sure makes me want to get out our carousel slide projector and dig out all the slides from those family trips out in that western desert. The desert is beautiful my friends…yeah it is.