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‹ Thesis Thursday

Thesis Thursday – Beca Gardner

April 5, 2018
Thesis Thursday
Thesis Thursday
Thesis Thursday - Beca Gardner
Processed with VSCO with a4 preset

My name is Beca Gardner and I am currently an undergraduate sophomore at the University of Arizona. I am a Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Major and an Astronomy and Biochemistry minor. I’ve been involved in research since my sophomore year of high school and I hope to attend medical school one day. My research has primarily been focused on a type of brain cancer called Glioblastoma. Some fun facts are I was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, my favorite food is sushi and one day I plan to own a German Shepherd and a corgi. If I could have an infinite amount of lives, I would spend them studying all of the different science fields. There are way too many and so little time. Neil deGrasse Tyson is my idol and I would go live out the rest of my days in space if I had the opportunity. All in all, I am incredibly grateful toward the Undergraduate Biological Research Program (UBRP) and to the Environmental Health Studies (EHS-True) Program for supporting my love for research and am looking forward to what the rest of my undergraduate experience brings me.


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