Join us for Pima County Community Land Trust’s (PCCLT) 2nd annual Homeownership Fair at El Rio Neighborhood Center to learn about community resources, homeownership organizations & companies ready to answer questions. Enjoy free food, raffles and fun for the kids.
Discover the benefits of our community land trust model for affordable homeownership, and why it can help individuals and families build wealth and financial success in a very affordable manner. Attendees can learn about mortgage options, down payment assistance and financial planning. Meet with counselors to learn about and discuss homeownership opportunities. Some vendors attending include Washington Federal, Community Investment Corporation, Tucson Association of Realtors, Southwest Fair Housing Council, State Farm, Seri and many more.
Maggie Amado-Tellez, PCCLT Executive Director, emphasizes the event’s role in celebrating Homeownership Month by providing accessible resources and services to make homeownership and stable housing a reality, offering attendees the opportunity to learn about all the various homeownership resources available to them.
PCCLT is a nonprofit organization committed to offering permanently affordable housing for low to moderate-income individuals and families; fostering community revitalization and supporting families in achieving and maintaining sustainable homeownership.