-ANA POPOVIC—“Ana Popovic Melds Rock, Blues, and Jazz for Fiery Power” – No Depression
“Ana Popović, the stunning blues guitarist from Serbia … has been unleashing her stinging brand of blues guitar for nearly 20 years” – Atlanta Journal Constitution
“In the 25 years since the release of her debut record, Hometown, tail-gunning blues virtuoso Ana Popovic has proved herself a force of nature with a vintage Stratin hand. Like clockwork, the Serbian-born spitfire has unleashed record after record of powerful yet soulful modern blues, stunning critics and fans. Indeed, Popovic’s licks are blessed with bite, able to crush curious onlookers in one fell swoop.” – Guitar World
“Ana Popovic Displays Blistering Shredding On Versatile Power… Power just exemplifies what she’s done throughout her career – searing blues rock, a bit of gospel and R&B, and some jazzy licks to boot. Her guitar skills are second to none, her voice has grown more soulful through the years…” – Glide Magazine