KXCI Board of Directors Minutes
Thursday, October 21st, 2010 5:30pm
Child and Family Resources, 2800 East Broadway, Tucson
I. Call to Order 5:35 pm
II. Attendance, Set Next Meeting Date and Time
Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, Jamie Manser, Susan Banes, Cecily Crebbs, Andrew Agnew, Marc Goodman, Lois Grushka, Debra Rodriguez, Katie Rogerson, Vance Sanders, Anne Shivers, Hardy Smith, Michael Wyman. Absent: Keith Kanzler, (excused).
III. Review and Adopt September 2010 minutes Jamie Manser moved for the minutes to be approved, Cecily seconded, all approved.
IV. Committee Reports
a) Bylaws No meeting, nothing to report
b) Finance :
Fiscal 2011 Budget: The Finance Committee met to approve the final operating budget for Fiscal Year 2011. Looking at a 4.7% increase in gross profit, and a 3% increase in expenses. The main increases in revenue are projected in Membership, Underwriting, and Grants. The rationale for an increase in membership is that we should be able to get back to at least the level we were 3 years ago. Randy believes that with the economy recovering this is a reasonable and achievable goal. Product sales (t-shirts, premium items) of $2,600 are associated with an annual cost of $27,000 are t-shirts and premiums we give out as a cost of membership. Rule of thumb is 10% spending on premiums for membership donations, so we are in line with industry standards. The budget includes a 6% increase in tower lease expense each year. The FY11 budget is a break-even budget. Susan made a motion to approve the budget as presented. Motion seconded by Jamie. In further discussion, Lois acknowledged Randy for his diligence and success at managing the stations finances and continuing to find opportunities for cost savings. The motion to approve the budget was approved.
Report C – Revenues exceeded budget in September by $3824, but expenses also exceeded budget by $8,028 due to 3 pay dates in the month. Revenues were higher due to higher-than-anticipated income from the “Celebrate 1970” and Big Brother and the Holding Company shows. Overall, net income was $4,205 less than budget.
Report D – Unaudited financials for the year ending September 30, 2010 show total revenues YTD of $443,437. This is only $14,940 less than budget. On the expense side, there is net loss of ($6,805). This includes property taxes paid for the year; we hope to re-establish our exemption for the future. In addition, an adjustment to mortgage interest expense is pending, but will result in a decrease in interest expense.
c) Personnel: Michael Wyman reported that the job descriptions for Music Director and Program Director are ready for approval. Randy summarized changes to Music Director & Program Director. Duncan is in charge of the CD’s, Jason is in charge of the DJ’s. The roles are more clearly delineated and fit music industry standards. After lengthy discussion about the history of and reasons for the need to have a Program Director with the appropriate title, Susan moved to accept the job descriptions, Debra seconded. The motion was approved.
General Manager Review: The Executive Committee discussed the process being developed to review the General Manager. Susan Banes proposed a process that would involve three components: (1) a self-evaluation that Randy would complete in the context of the strategic plan and other goals previously set; (2) a board review, which could involve a rating scale on Randy’s achievement of goals and skills assessment; and (3) a 360 review completed by the staff. Susan will lead the Executive Committee in completing this process. The next scheduled meeting is November 16 with a goal for completing the process by the end of February. Information will be circulated to the entire Board, and board members not on the Executive Committee will be invited to participate.
d) Board Development: No report
e) Development: The committee meets on the first Thursday at noon at the radio station. The committee discussed the reality of the grant process. The Committee discussed having thank you calls after the Board meeting. The Committee is looking for the Technical Committee to give them a tangible direction to get loyal members to donate for. Randy suggested “burning down the mortgage.” The number one issue addressed in the strategic plan is Northwest reception.
f) Election: No report
g) Strategic Plan Implementation: No report
h) CAB Development : Jamie is working on putting together a meeting next week. At the meeting the CAB will review the quarterly report and PSA report.
i) Technology Committee: Cecily has to step down as Chair of the committee. Mary Beth will ask Hank Childers is he would be interested in chairing the committee. A lot of work is to be done in this committee. No current Board members are interested in chairing this committee.
V. Volunteer Representative Report: The volunteer election is usually in August and we didn’t have it this year. Randy and Anne will discuss options there. Anne would like to invite some other volunteers to join her committee as she is not an on-air programmer and feels somewhat cut-off from the station. Anne said that we need to have a volunteer meeting before the Solstice.
VI. GM Report (staff report): Randy submitted a written report. Randy is pleased with the membership drive and the sustaining membership program. He is also pleased that the job descriptions were approved as Jason is due a six-month job review. Lois pointed out that Randy and Susan sent an appeal letter to re-examine the property tax assessment.
VII. Old Business The proposed 2011 Board meeting schedule was discussed. We will have eight meetings versus the ten we used to have; there will be no meetings in March, July, September, and December. Debra moves that we go with the new schedule, seconded by Anne. Motion approved.
IIX. New Business Katie Rogerson asked to change the meeting time to 5:45 pm. The next meeting November 18 will be at 5:45 pm. Debra noted that Katie crafted a script and handed out a list of people to call to thank for their support. Katie
also pointed out the need to continue to welcome our loyal donors and supporters by offering the option to visit the station for a tour This is one of the ways we have to encourage the engagement of our members.
IX. Call to Audience Nothing from the audience.
IX. Executive Session No need for executive session.
X. Adjournment Anne moved to adjourn, Susan seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:44pm.