KXCI Board of Directors Minutes
Thursday, November 19th, 2010 5:45 pm
Child and Family Resources, 2800 East Broadway, Tucson
I. Call to Order 5:47pm
II. Attendance, Set Next Meeting Date and Time
Present: Andrew Agnew, Susan Banes, Cecily Crebbs, Lois Grushka, Mary Beth Haralovich, Katie Rogerson, Keith Kanzler, Jamie Manser, Anne Shivers, Hardy Smith, Michael Wyman.
Absent: Vance Sanders, Debra Rodriguez, Marc Goodman (all excused). Next meeting is January 20, 2011, 5:45 pm.
III. Review and Adopt October 2010 minutes Jamie Manser moved to adopt the minutes, Anne Shivers seconded the motion.
IV. Committee Reports
a) Bylaws No meeting, nothing to report
b) Development: Katie Rogerson said the committee discussed the idea of “burning the mortgage.” The Thank You calls went very well. Idea of doing something in conjunction with Arizona Theater Company, having a pre-party, and approaching local businesses. Also discussed the need of having a tri-fold pamphlet for outreach. Andrew Agnew said that as so much energy is being put into 2nd Saturdays and local businesses they wanted to build on that momentum. The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for the first Thursday of December at noon at the station.
c) Finance: Did not meet this month. Susan Banes reported that KXCI has roughly a $12,000 loss for October. In January we will have updated reports with the current fiscal year budget. Nothing unusual has happened in November. The auditors begin fieldwork on Monday; Randy Peterson said their report is usually complete in February. d) Personnel: Mary Beth Haralovich reported that the GM review committee is on track to be completed by February. There was some difficulty finding a meeting time. Hardy Smith questioned what Personnel Committee’s role was. Mary Beth and Susan
Banes clarified that it’s the Executive Committee’s responsibility to review the General Manager. Hardy Smith reported that Personnel had not met. The staff is working on Amanda Shauger’s job description.
e) Board Development: Susan Banes reported that there has been no meeting. She has three names that have been submitted for the Board. Hardy Smith questioned appointments. Randy clarified that appointed terms are three years. A discussion ensured all the desire for diversity on the Board. Anne Shivers mentioned that we are light in terms of our Technical Committee so perhaps we could recruit someone with expertise with technology. Susan Banes will have candidates fill out Board applications and will pass them out to the entire Board for further discussion.
Mary Beth mentioned that Amanda is going to train the Board to work tables and volunteer at events.
f) Election: Andrew Agnew reported no meeting, no event.
g) Strategic Plan Implementation: Mary Beth Haralovich reported that the committee has not met, but that we continue to progress on the deliverables and timelines for implementing some of the sections of the strategic plan.
h) CAB Development: Jamie Manser reported that the CAB met in October. They have been working on creating and ranking a set of issues by which to evaluate KXCI’s performance as a community partner. From an original set of 22 issues, the list was narrowed to seven and then listeners were asked to rank those 7. A total of 98 responses were received. The listeners top 3 issues were education, the environment and the state and city budget crisis.
i) Technology: Jamie and Mary Beth are co-chairs. There has not been a meeting. The website is moving along and is more effective. There is a silent auction tab on the website. Randy added that the Pima County Board of Supervisors approved construction of a new tower on Tumamoc Hill. Doug Groenoff said it would do us no good. Hardy Smith asked where is the ideal location for us for northwest reception. Randy responded that there is no ideal location without discussing frequency direction, wattage, etc.
V. Volunteer Representative Report Anne Shivers reported we have a volunteer meeting planned for November 30th, 6-8 pm. Anne said that the last few meetings had
been on weekends so she scheduled it during the week. Anne requested that Board members report to the volunteers. Cecily Crebbs suggested the Technology Committee report. Mary Beth suggested that it might be good to inform the volunteers that there is some activity in Technology. Anne said there was no opposition for her to continue as Volunteer Rep through May. The Sonic Solstice and party is Monday, December 20th and it’s open to all volunteers including the Board. Lois Grushka suggested the Financial Committee do a presentation about the financial realities for the station. Anne suggested that she question the volunteers what they want to know. Susan thought it might be better to wait until after the audit. Anne asked the Board to think about if there are specific tasks as some KXCI volunteers may be able to volunteer at the board committee level.
VI. GM Report (staff report) Randy Peterson reports that we received a second denial of our property tax exemption. The state, the county and the city are reducing eligibility for exemptions to increase their tax revenues. Randy and Susan will continue to work on this. The underwriting relationship with Media Zocalo has ended. Randy had asked them Media Zocalo to put in more time and effort, and they said they had no more time to put into KXCI. Randy handed out the client lists and which staff member is assigned them. There is some concern over staff being overworked. Some of the work is already being done by staff. For example Duncan already works with the Rialto Theater. Randy does think they will be able to add new clients. He has added two this week. Susan Banes asked about the high end person. Randy responded that they are still looking for a high end person to handle medical, legal and other high end businesses. Randy says this will be re-evaluated in three months. Dave will stay on through December to advise the staff. Susan questioned whether we could offer a part- time salary. Randy said he would like to accumulate some savings for the next few months before he did that. Michael Wyman asked for clarification as to what happened. Randy responded that Media Zocalo wasn’t on track to hit budget numbers. Randy would like to hold off on any new approaches for a couple of months. Katie Rogerson questioned whether DJs could do underwriting. Randy said he has reservations about too many people approaching the same business. Mary Beth and Michael both wanted a script and to be able to assist with underwriting. Randy said he could provide a “who, what and where of underwriting.” Randy provided some graphs comparing members and revenue for the last ten years. Public radio and television has seen a decline in the number of people who give but an increase in the amount of the gift. We have the same amount of members in November 2010 that we had in November 2001, but the members we have, have given 61% more. Discussion of age demographics is that every year our listeners seem to get one year older. A lapsed- member mailing was just sent out. Michael Wyman suggested a targeted strategy to
create more members. Randy suggested a student membership for $15. Andrew asked if there was an effort to determine if there was music we might be willing to play that would appeal to younger audiences.
VII. New Business No new business.
IIX. Call to Audience Amanda Shauger brought sign up sheets and information for the Street Fair and the silent auction. Katie Rogerson introduced Ron Barrett, who is interested in a Board appointment. KXCI member Ron Spark introduced himself as well.
IX. Executive Session No need for executive session.
X. Adjournment Anne motion to adjourn, seconded by Jamie Manser at 6:49pm.