KXCI Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 15, 2014 5:45pm
Maker House, 283 N. Stone Ave., Tucson
I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Katie Rogerson @ 5:47 p.m.
II. Attendance
Present: Katie Rogerson, Steve Itkin, Laura Reese, Becky Birk, David Curl, Gene Armstrong- Volunteer Rep, Michael Wyman, Jennie Grabel, Jeff Zabel, and Tony Ford
Excused: Mary Beth Haralovich, Jim D’Antonio, Bill Poorten, and Keith Kanzler.
III. Mission Moment: Randy Peterson circulated names and phone numbers for donors to the Capital Campaign. Board members called the donors on their list to thank them on behalf of KXCI.
IV. Capital Campaign Report- Randy Peterson reported that pledges now total over $434,000. This amount includes the $16,000 KXCI received from the Arizona Gives Day event. One donor increased their pledge from $5,000 to a $25,000 match donation, getting us closer to $500,000. We will do a direct mail campaign of about 4,000 pieces to support the $25,000 match pledge. The antenna is in Tucson, the transmitter is expected to arrive in approximately two weeks. Installation is estimated to start by the week of July 21. Hhe continues to meet with Deb Dale. Volunteers are asked to record new spots for this phase of the Capital Campaign
V. Consent Agenda
Financials as reported on the Staff Reports and Board Committee Dashboards were approved by consent. Although approval of the April Board meeting minutes was included in the Consent Agenda as approved, it was noted that the minutes of the April Board meeting were not distributed and therefore, should be removed as a Consent Agenda item. April minutes will be included on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. The BOD Committees and Staff Reports Dashboards were approved by consent.
VI. Action Items: None
VII. Strategic Discussion Items
1) Transmitter launch– Randy Peterson that the initial plans and ad budget for notifying the potential listenership in the foothills and NW Tucson areas are being developed with consideration of where to sponsor events in those areas.
2) Strategic Plan- Laura Reese, Jennie Grabel and Tony Ford circulated a summary sheet that includes a timeline and process for development of the new Strategic Plan. They reported that the Committee wants to consider building relationships with national groups. They will survey the membership/listenership to discover what they want from Community Radio. With that, a statement of values of the stakeholders will be developed. Volunteers to assist with strategic planning are requested to contact Jennie, Laura, or Tony.
3) Transmitter launch- Randy Peterson reported that the transmitter was ordered during the first week of April. It will be custom built and is expected to be delivered and installed within 60-90 days. Reported expenses to date include the total cost of the equipment. Yet to be incurred are the freight charges and the cost of the labor to install it.
More funds are needed for advertising. We need to identify more potential donors to ask for assistance.
After the booster is operational, we will begin a print advertising campaign and host launch parties in the new areas that will be receiving our signal.
4) Elections- Randy Peterson reported that the ballots were sent out today, 274 votes are needed and 60-70 were cast right after the ballots went out. Three nominee names appeared in bold due to a glitch in SurveyMonkey.
VIII. New Business- It was announced that KXCI’s new Program Manager is Cathy Rivers. The Board congratulated Cathy on her new position.
IX. Call to Audience- Candidates for the Board Hillary Eshelman, Elva De La Torre, Gene Armstrong, Jamie Manser, and Greg Rogan were introduced and spoke about why they want to be elected.
Vicky Mullins from the Tucson Indian Center was introduced and spoke about the services her organization provides and the constituents they serve. She expressed interest in KXCI as a possible resource for TIC’s constituents and noted her personal interest in community radio.
X. Board Credo– Becky Birk thanked everyone for helping KXCI and reminded everyone to remember the Community Advisory Board. CAB needs acknowledgment and to know that they are appreciated. There are six committee members and they meet four times per year. Becky urged members to volunteer to serve on the CAB. Becky also expressed her opinion about how important it is to keep KXCI’s mission in the front of our minds as we volunteer and assist the station. Becky handed out wallet size pink cards to everyone with KXCI’s mission statement printed on them.
XII. Meeting Self-Assessment
Pink Mission Statement cards, table arrangement and room temperature are improved, nice to have candidates attend and speak at the meeting, the ease of working with a Consent Agenda, noting that the finances are included in the Dashboard, the funds raised for the Capital Campaign through Arizona Gives Day and the matching funds donations received, the quality of the candidates running for Board positions, the progress of the Capital Campaign, making “thank you” calls to donors at the Board meetings, the meeting was substantive yet brief, Becky Birk’s going away present.
Missing Duncan and Amanda who are unable to attend, need to better identify future action items that are included in the Minutes and who is responsible for completing each item identified, want more discussion of the corporation’s finances, want to hear reports about the volunteers from the Volunteer Representative, Becky Birk leaving the Board.
XII. Executive Session
Jennie Grabel moved to convene. Tony Ford seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. A discussion followed about the GM Review process.
XIII. Adjournment at 7:01p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Itkin, Secretary of the Board