GM Report for September 2013, General Manager Randy Peterson
The fall membership drive was successfully completed on September 24th with $120,000 in pledges. Sustaining memberships continue to grow in popularity.
The all-new launched on September 11th. We’re continuing to work out minor issues and the entire staff is learning how to work with the new site, but in general reviews from the audience have been very favorable. NPR Digital Services items were all discontinued on September 24th and we should be done with them financial except for a possible bandwidth overage charge from the quarter.
The fiscal year ended September 30th, and we’ll review year-end financials at the board meeting. Please remember they are always subject to post audit adjustments; our audit field work begins November 12th.
Also on September 30th, we made our official filing with the FCC for the auxiliary transmitter. And then of course the FCC shut down along with the rest of the federal government the next day…
I met with board member Jill Bishop on September 9th for a board member “check in” and also to solicit her thoughts on job descriptions for adding a development director position to our team.
Capital campaign: Joined Deb Dale and Steve Itkin to meet with Rosey Koberlein, CEO of Long Realty. Joined Amanda Shauger to meet with Hardy Smith. Joined Ron Spark and Amanda to meet with Sharon Foltz from TEP. Have begun recording the capital campaign testimonials that will air with the launch of our public phase in mid-October. Working with Joey Burns on concert event for late December.
I staffed the station table at the ABA’s broadcast career fair at Pima Community College on September 12th.
I met with Caitlin Jensen and Michael Keith from the Downtown Tucson Partnership on September 13th. They intend to be vocal proponents for KXCI’s capital campaign and we are welcome to address their full board of directors in November. KXCI will be an official sponsor of the Parade of Lights in December.
I organized our first concert in our new monthly series at Maker House with Sabra Faulk, Heather Hardy and Hans Hutchison, to occur on October 2nd. In addition to coordinating logistics for the site and musicians I figured out to add ticket sales to our new web store.
Downtown Lowdown segments for September: Tank Christensen from Gangplank; Ed Mercurio-Sakwa, executive director for Emerge! Center Against Domestic Vioelnce; Jacob Carter, executive director for Tree House Farm with Sarah Rhoads from Mended Little Hearts; Father Earl Cantos from St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church. Prepared quarterly report on Downtown Lowdown for the public file.
I represented the station as the deejay at the party for the Community Food Bank’s national hunger conference on September 19th. I staffed our booth for the Tucson Musicians Museum annual induction ceremony on September 29th.
Work continues on organizing our plans for a 30-day 30th Anniversary celebration from November 22nd through December 21st. I’m pleased that we have already established several concerts, community events and on-air special programs for the time period.
I have rejoined the monthly Non-Profit Executive Directors roundtable after a 6-month sabbatical. Other non-profits exchanging ideas include SAAF, Literacy Connects, City High School, Catalina Community Services and Rincon UCC.
I worked closely with Gretch Leuck on the development of the new “The Weekly Green” mini-program that will begin airing 3 days a week in October, replacing the nationally syndicated shows we’ve been using from the Sierra Club.
We’ve established a fundraising concert with Celtic singer Maura O’Connell for November 17th at the Temple of Music and Art, and we have the ongoing monthly series at Maker House. I’ll also be meeting in October with the 17th Street Market/El Con Club folks about establishing a benefit concert for us out at the Club in November or December. Could use either for operations or capital campaign.
Laurie Starr is retiring from Starr Tracks (final show October 14th) and Gene Armstrong’s The Road Show will move to that slot. I will be working with Cathy Rivers on the possible development of a teen show to put on Thursday nights in Gene’s old time slot.