GM REPORT, October 2011
Financial reports are provided separately. Please keep in mind that year-end numbers are still subject to adjusting journal entries, especially after November’s field work for the audit.
Overall, it was a much better than expected year for the station, financially speaking. We are out from under several bad long-term contracts (such as copier lease, Media Audit) and revenue is most areas is strong and/or growing. There are areas of opportunity for the station, especially in the area of returning underwriting sales to its past levels. The economy and our own efforts/organization will likely determine success in this area. Underwriting growth in FY12 is one of my highest priorities.
Since our August board meeting, we have welcomed Michelle Boulet-Stephenson to the staff as our new membership director, taking over the day-to-day responsibilities for member services, deposits, direct mail, customer service, etc. that I’ve held for many years at the station. In just the past 6 weeks Michelle has proven herself to be a very strong and welcome addition to our team.
Her addition was offset by the previously announced loss of Jason Repko as program director (he is now pursuing a graduate degree out of state). The staff has stepped into the breach and divided many of Jason’s duties, while also now meeting weekly – separate from our staff meeting – to discuss programming issues in greater detail. These meetings have been very open and productive and are leading to some great thoughts on how we can provide even better programming for our great listeners.
Jason’s departure was also offset by the temporary hire of Carol “Ruby” Anderson as host of The Home Stretch; Carol will be filling this role for several weeks until the staff can make a decision on a more permanent replacement or replacements.
The September membership drive set new records for number of callers and overall amount raised. Jim Blackwood and I set the drive in motion with the station’s first ever “Power Hour” raising about $11,500 in one 60 minute period. It was fascinating to have 11 volunteers downstairs all taking calls at the same time, with two staffers, Celia and Michelle, doing nothing but picking up one sheet after the other, then adding and updating our total. We will definitely have another Power Hour before the spring drive, as it basically eliminated two full days of the regular campaign.
Our Emmylou Harris concert on September 23rd was sold-out several weeks in advance, and we were able to use some tickets for very high end pledging ($600-$1000 per pair). KXCI and the Fox split about $11,600 in profits on this show, making it one of our most successful concerts ever outside of the annual Calexico Barrio Festival. The success of the event, and our role in pushing for an early ticket sellout, has also helped open the eyes of the Fox in terms of using as a promotional partner. We were able to
bill the recent Kris Kristofferson concert as a “KXCI Presents” allowing us to table at the concert, secure tickets for giveaway, and have our logo on the show posters. The Fox has also recently placed ad buys for Kristofferson, John Prine and The Blues Brothers.
Other recent station events have included September and October 2nd Saturday Downtown booths, Tucson Meet Yourself, the Blues Festival, the Jazz Legends event at the Fox, Tucson Shot Rock, and many others; with events like the Bluegrass Festival yet to come. In addition to having a booth at the Bluegrass Festival for the first time ever, two of our deejays will also be helping to emcee the event from the AVA Amphitheater stage.
I was honored to be asked to serve as a grant review panelist for the Tucson Pima Arts Council, helping to award funding to 8 different projects in Pima County. The experience of sitting on the “other” side of the table was very useful and will help to inform my grantwriting in the future.
KXCI is participating in the $40,000 Nissan LEAF car raffle through Jim Click Nissan. We get to keep all ticket sales ($25 each, 5 for $100) and if we are able to sell all 200 tickets, could recognize at least $4000 in proceeds. Also, if we sell all 200 tickets, we may be able to get more. The drawing is in April 2012. I will be looking for board members to each sell or purchase at least $100 in tickets for this event while crossing my fingers that you’ll be able to sell even more!
Separately Amanda and I both attended fundraising training for Literacy Connects, having been invited to participate in their event as community leaders. It was interesting and informative to get an inside look at another organization’s largest fundraiser. I join Amanda in hoping that you will be interested in being at our table for this fundraising event in November; you can speak with Amanda or I for more information.