GM Report for April 2014
Financial reports have been provided separately for your consideration and review. In general April was a good month and we are essentially on track regarding the budget, seven months in to our fiscal year. In the next few weeks I will begin the process of creating the draft budget for FY15.
As I’m sure you’ve heard, we had phenomenal success on Arizona Gives Day, placing second in the entire state in terms of the number of donors received, finishing behind only Ben’s Bells (who also won last year) out of more than 1,000 non-profits in Arizona. Overall we raised more than $12,000 and won a $16,000 prize for our performance. All funds are expected in May. Next year we set our sights on taking the top spot!
On April 30th I attended a reception for the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona at the Jewish Community Center. The event was for both grant recipients (us) and the donors who make the grants possible. Had a lot of great conversations and more than a few “congratulations” on our Arizona Gives Day performance.
Mary Beth Haralovich and I have both been working with Access Tucson Community Television on strategies to protect their organizations against proposed city budget cuts, including discussing possible future collaborations. Their executive director and I jointly filmed a “Local Matters” segment on the community impact of our 30 years.
I met with a potential UA intern from the school’s public administration program and accepted him as a 150 hour intern for the summer. His name is Ian and he’ll be starting to work with us on a variety of projects in May. He are also circling a second intern from the UA with a background in film.
Thank you for the completed General Manager performance evaluation. We still need to follow up on a face-to-face meeting to assess the evaluation.
I spoke at Career Day at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Junior High and to two groups of students at the UA’s Media Arts Department professional practices class.
Guests on my Downtown Lowdown segment in April included Kelly Waters from the Food Conspiracy Co-op; Carrie Brennan, executive director of City High School; Sarah Ann Meggison, City of Tucson Historic Preservation Office; and Greg Rogan, TKMA board president. I also recorded Clint Mabie from the Community Foundation, two staff members from Make Way For Books, and the marketing director for Heroes & Villians for airing on The Home Stretch. I also interviewed Awna Teixeira for her live in Studio 2A segment.