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February 18, 2010


Foundation for Creative Broadcasting Board of Directors Thursday, February 18, 2010 Child and Family Resources Offices DRAFT Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order at 5:38pm by Susan Banes.

II. Attendance

Present: Hank Childers (5:53pm), Susan Banes, Andrew Agnew, Cecily Crebbs (5:41pm), Marc Goodman, Lois Grushka, Keith Kanzler, Jamie Manser, Debra Rodriguez, Anne Shivers, Hardy Smith (5:45pm), Michael T. Wyman. Absent: Melanie Morrison (excused), Mary Beth Haralovich (excused).

The next meeting date is March 18th at 5:30pm at Child and Family Resources.

III. Review and Adopt January 2010 Minutes

Motion by Jamie Manser, seconded by Debra Rodriguez, to approve the January 2010 minutes as presented. Motion carried.

IV. Committee Reports

a) Bylaws (no report)

b) Finance –

Susan Banes reported that the committee met February 16th. Key points:

Report C: We had an actual loss in January of $7585, versus a budgeted loss of $16,383. Expenses were below budget, and underwriting revenue is tracking better.

Report D (year-to-date): Underwriting is now just about $10,000 under budget after four months. Year-to-date our overall performance shows a loss of about $10,000 more than expected; however, this includes an audit adjustment taken in October for roughly $14,000, indicating that performance, year-to-date, is slightly better than expected.

Report E: We had a net cash outflow of $9,423 for the month of January. It is not uncommon for us to have mostly negative cash outflow in most months, and make up for it during membership drive months and when grants are received.

Susan indicated that representatives of our auditing firm will attend the March 18th meeting to formally present the audit. She also noted that the station’s house will need to be appraised after the solar panel installation is completed.

c) Board Development (no report) d) Personnel –

Hardy Smith reported that Randy Peterson has turned in a revised job description for the General Manager position; other staff are working on updates to their descriptions.

e) Election –

Andrew Agnew indicated the committee has not met recently. Another “opt-in” period for online voting will be held prior to the spring membership drive. Hank Childers asked that the committee set a formal date for the board election. Andrew will get last year’s schedule from past board member Ron Cipriani or from Randy to begin that process.

f) Development –

Debra Rodriguez reported that the committee met February 8th. Some prospects continue to be identified, but this is a slow process. Debra requested that the committee speak at the next volunteer’s meeting. Randy Peterson is going to step back from the committee and Amanda Shauger is going to assume more of the staff role. Sample thank you and introductory letters have been drafted. The committee next meets March 8th at the station.

g) Strategic Plan Implementation (no report) h) CAB Development –

Jamie Manser reported that the CAB met on February 10th. They reviewed the Quarterly Issues Programming report and PSA report for the 4th Quarter of 2009. The CAB brainstormed a list of more than 20 community issues and is currently surveying itself to attempt to determine the ten most pressing concerns that should be addressed in KXCI programming. The CAB next meets May 12th.

i) Technology –

Randy Peterson distributed a survey for board members created by Mary Beth Haralovich to determine the board’s areas of concerns regarding our website. The website subcommittee met on February 9th to look over web usage stats and other information pertaining to

The subcommittee on the Northwest signal problems has contacted an engineer in the Phoenix area who will do a new preliminary broadcast study for free. If he believes the problem can be solved he will then provide a quote to conduct a full study and cost analysis. Doug Groenhoff spoke with the owners of one broadcast tower we might locate on and had a good preliminary discussion about us using space on their tower.

V. Volunteer Representative Report

Anne Shivers has challenged volunteers to volunteer at new events that they have never been to before; she challenged the board to do the same thing. Sign-up sheets for the next membership drive and for the KXCI booth at the Tucson Peace Fair were distributed at the meeting. Anne also noted that board members could also volunteer at other upcoming events such as the Fourth Avenue Street Fair and Solar Rock. A volunteer meeting is planned at the station for late March or April.

VI. General Manager Report

Randy Peterson reported that he will be picking up the audit on February 19th to begin the process of finalizing the CPB grant application. He distributed a sign-up sheet for board members who wished to take his pre-membership drive training session. Cathy Rivers has informed the rest of the staff that she is planning to leave Tucson in early May as her husband has taken a job out of state. Her last day on staff will be around April 30th. Randy, Duncan and Amanda will be discussing how to best fill staff duties, and Randy will explore with the board’s personnel and executive committees different possibilities for changes to out staffing. Randy also reported that the solar panel installation team continues to come to the station while they spec out the installation and seek permits; we would seem to still be on course for a spring installation. The solar panels are expected to save about $1,000 annually on our electric bill.

IIX. Call To Audience

Don Copler asked if there was a spike in web streaming during transmitter outages. Randy Peterson answered that it is difficult to measure on a micro level. Amanda Shauger, who is on the development committee, thanked the board for having a working committee structure.

IX. Executive Session (none) X. Adjournment at 6:19pm.


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