The full PDF can be found at this link: CPB Survey
Telling Public Radio’s Story
1. Describe your overall goals and approach to address identified community issues, needs, and interests through your station’s vital local services, such as multiplatform long and shortform content, digital and inperson engagement, education services, community information, partnership support, and other activities, and audiences you reached or new audiences you engaged.
KXCI Community Radio’s community goals as outlined in the KXCI Strategic Plan were developed in conjunction with our volunteer Community Advisory Board. These goals include informing listeners on local topics, events, and trends through broadcast and digital platforms, and creating additional programming that reflects the community’s diversity on multiple levels including ethnicity, age, and socioeconomics. Additionally the KXCI Community Advisory Board is specifically tasked to further community outreach opportunities by identifying sponsorships and events in order to engage new audiences, especially underrepresented communities. KXCI’s primary project goal for 2015 is to provide greater digital content including archived audio broadcasts, video content of live performances and interviews, and additional digital-only programming to engage a more diverse audience geographically and demographically via digital platforms.
In order to accomplish these community goals KXCI continues to support the many vibrant nonprofit organizations in Southern Arizona through a robust public service announcement program that broadcasts over 10,000 public service announcements a year. During drivetime, longform content hours KXCI broadcasts and digitally streams regular interviews with nonprofits, educational institutions, community leaders, and experts on topics such as sustainable living practices, local ecology, scientific research and local cultural topics. KXCI is currently developing a more effective digital platform to make these interviews available after broadcast to the communities that these interviews serve, including partnerships to share content with nonprofit and educational websites and venues.
KXCI’s longform public affairs programming on local political and cultural issues is made available to the community through broadcast and digitally through the podcast platform via our website, or through links to syndicated programming. Of KXCI’s six public affairs programming shows, three are produced inhouse including Broad Perspectives, a show that discusses issues and topics devoted entirely to women. The public affairs program 30 Minutes addresses political issues and vital local services in the community through interviews with local leaders, researchers, and nonprofits. Additional engagement with underrepresented audiences includes, special daylong programming for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Cesar Chavez Day, Stonewall Day and Black History Month.
Diversity in music is paramount to KXCI’s regular music programming. Directives to our over 75 volunteer programmers include requirements for broadcasting music from different cultures and countries to engage Latino, AfroCuban, and Middle Eastern audiences as well as many others. KXCI is also fundamental to the growth and economic success of local musicians and local cultural development. Engagement with local musicians begins with the Local’s Only music program that features weekly performances and interviews with local musicians who perform a diversity of musical styles, and these interviews and performances are made available digitally through the podcast platform. Through the Local’s Only program KXCI identifies exemplary local music to include during our regular music mix AAA format programming. This gives Tucson and Southern Arizona musicians, greater legitimacy when developing connections to national media outlets.
KXCI features three shortform science programs produced inhouse, and five cultural shortform programs, three of which are produced inhouse. Science shortform programming promotes ecological awareness of the Sonoran Desert biome, responsibility to and appreciation for the local ecology when engaging in outdoor activities, and sustainable living through water harvesting, recycling, and community gardens. Cultural shortform programs include content that highlights local poets, review independently produced films and local film festivals, and bring awareness to cultural activities and touring musical performances.
KXCI’s educational outreach includes adult and youth educational services. KXCI is powered by our volunteers and KXCI staff train volunteers on use of broadcast equipment and software, FCC rules and regulations, and media relations. Youth educational services include two Summer Youth DJ Camps, one for children ages 9-13, and one for teenagers ages 14-18. These classes engage a younger audience and teach important skills such as public speaking, enunciation, and the importance of volunteering in the community. As well, KXCI has a thriving internship program that recruits interns from local public and charter highschools, as well as the University of Arizona journalism and communications departments. Besides educational outreach and our volunteer program, inperson engagement includes KXCI partnerships with nonprofits, and sponsorships of community events. KXCI regularly tables up to 30 community events a year to provide outreach and engagement with face to face interactions with our audience and prospective new audiences.
2. Describe key initiatives and the variety of partners with whom you collaborated, including other public media outlets, community nonprofits, government agencies, educational institutions, the business community, teachers and parents, etc. This will illustrate the many ways you’re connected across the community and engaged with other important organizations in the area.
KXCI collaborates with many nonprofit partners locally and nationally; these partnerships help shape and strengthen community ties. And contribute to the sound and direction of our station. • Access Tucson Community Television: provides training and resources for independent producers and community organizations to amplify ideas, information, and diversity in the community. KXCI has partnered on live music performance and we crosspublicize their events in different media partnerships • Downtown Tucson Partnership: KXCI has joined their efforts in revitalizing downtown by promoting, sponsoring and having a presence at their 2nd Saturday events downtown. • Folk Festival: KXCI has broadcast the festival live for 30 years and collaborated to produce it and preserve this unique event. • Food Bank of Southern Arizona: KXCI provides regular interview opportunities and PSAs. • Fund for Civility: KXCI co-sponsored The Fund for Civility Concert • Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: KXCI has a media partnership with the Chamber and attends and promotes events. • Jewish Community Center: KXCI has interviews with the Filmmakers and Festival producers of the Jewish Film Fest. • Literacy Connects: Our support in this area includes promoting the work of Literacy Connects, a newly merged agency in our community that brings together five separate literacy organizations under one umbrella, as well as a sponsorship of the Tucson Festival of Books, the largest book festival in the country, whose proceeds support literacy in the community. • Pima County Association of Governments: KXCI cohosts events for Cyclovia, who promote bike riding and pollution reduction. • Pima County Arts Council: KXCI sponsors the open studio tour, • Pima County Library: KXCI is in the process of creating a Library show that promotes the Library and its incredible resources. • Southern Arizona Blues and Heritage Foundation: KXCI partners every year with the organization to bring concerts to Tucson as well as co-promoting and airing live the Blues and Heritage Foundation Festival. • YWCA: KXCI partners on many YWCA events including, co-promoting events, publicizing their work force and leadership programs for woman and supporting their series on racism.
3. What impact did your key initiatives and partnerships have in your community? Describe any known measurable impact, such as increased awareness, learning or understanding about particular issues. Describe indicators of success, such as connecting people to needed resources or strengthening conversational ties across diverse neighborhoods. Did a partner see an increase in requests for related resources? Please include direct feedback from a partner(s) or from a person(s) served.
KXCI’s greatest strength and primary impact is bringing awareness of community needs by sharing our partners’ messaging with the community. This runs the gamut from spreading the word about fundraisers for the Southern Arizona AIDS foundation to volunteer recruitment for Beat Back Buffelgrass Day, a massive volunteer effort to remove a dangerous and invasive grass here in the Sonoran Desert. Through on-air interviews we initiate community wide conversations about a vision and direction for our greater community. KXCI’s newest programming addition, Thesis Thursdays, which gives University of Arizona undergraduate science students a chance to share their research, disseminates relevant research that is ongoing in Tucson and Southern Arizona that many of our listeners would not know about otherwise. Our engagement with our partners includes conversations about multicultural education, border and immigration issues, poverty, public health, and literacy. A majority of our partners report either growth in their existing events or solid results with first time projects after partnering with KXCI.
We continue to be seen as a first choice media partner for many festivals, events and community service projects. The partnerships and initiatives KXCI supports in Tucson and Southern Arizona are focused on making Tucson and Southern Arizona a healthier, more dynamic, and more culturally diverse place for people of all ethnicities, ages, and socioeconomic class to thrive. Below are excerpts of direct communications we have had with partners and persons served:
The University of Arizona Undergraduate Biological Research Program April 7, 2014
“There has been tremendous enthusiasm on campus for Thesis Thursdays. Few people realize that the research mission of the university supports the teaching mission through things like undergraduate research. Thesis Thursdays gives us a means of getting the word out. Undergraduate research is recognized as a high impact learning experience, something that really maximizes what undergraduates get from their education. We have always emphasized to students that they need to be able to talk about what they do in terms that the general public can understand. To that end, I have for the past decade or so, required them to write a press release once a year about their work that we send to their hometown papers many of these never appear, but some do. This opportunity to speak on the radio is yet another way we can give students a chance to acquire a skill that will serve them in good stead going forward. Thanks for extending this opportunity to us! Carol Bender, Director”
The Rialto Theatre Foundation February 18, 2014
“Thank you for your generous support of the nonprofit Rialto Theatre Foundataion! Your donation of one hour Guest DJ Session on KXCI’s The Home Stretch for the silent auction at the second annual Rialto Theatre Foundation Gala will help us sustain this historic cornerstone of downtown. Community support is critical to our ongoing success. By making a donation, you are helping the Rialto achieve our mission to bring Tucson the best in live music in a historic setting. Thank you, Curtis McCrary, Executive Director”
Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona May 20,2014
“Thank you for your inkind gift to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona of 120 PSA’s in support of our Stamp Out Hunger 2014 Campaign. Your thoughtful support allows us to put more dollars toward food and programs. Here are a few of the things we are accomplishing together: • Every day we distribute enough groceries for 62,800 meals. • We provide food to numerous local pantries, allowing people in need to find help close to home. • We supply food to over 310 local human services charities like soup kitchens, shelters, foster care facilities and senior care homes. • We provide economic literacy and advocacy services that help get people back on their feet. As a donor to the Community Food Bank, you do so much for so many. Please know that your gift matters and that we are grateful for your thoughtful donation. Sincerely, Jack Parris, Public Relations Manager”
Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation February 21, 2014
“On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, volunteers, and most of all, people helped by the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF), thank you for your generous gift of 104 public service announcements in support of the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Last year, SAAF assisted over 1,100 people with services including housing, food, transportation, medications assistance, and emergency rent and utility assistance. Prevention education, intervention, and outreach programs reached over 19,000 people in this community. Thank you for being a part of this important work in your local community. Warm regards and with great appreciation, Zami Tinashe Hyemingway, Senior Health Education Specialist”
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tucson January 27,2014
“Thank you for your support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tucson with a donations of 120 PSAs, 60 minutes of programming time with a value of $2,400.00. Your generous support helps us continue providing quality mentoring services and developing positive relationships that have a direct and lasting impact in the lives of children. Sincerely, Sylvia Bracamonte, Development Director”
Arts for All, Inc. February 5, 2015
“Thank you very much for the generous donation of the 66 minutes worth of programming time to Arts for All, Inc. We are very grateful for your thoughtfulness and contribution to our program and the arts. We continue to serve our community thanks to people like you. Sincerely, Marcia Berger, Executive Director”
4. Please describe any efforts (e.g. programming, production, engagement activities) you have made to investigate and/or meet the needs of minority and other diverse audiences (including, but not limited to, new immigrants, people for whom English is a second language and illiterate adults) during Fiscal Year 2014, and any plans you have made to meet the needs of these audiences during Fiscal Year 2015. If you regularly broadcast in a language other than English, please note the language broadcast.
KXCI engages with people of many different ethnicities. Located in Southern Arizona, KXCI takes its engagement with the Hispanic community and Spanish speakers very seriously. KXCI regular hosts specialty programming on Cezar Chavez Day and partners with organizers of Dia Day Los Muertos. Tucson has one of the largest Day Of The Dead celebrations in the country and KXCI supports all efforts leading up to the day and final procession. KXCI employs a fulltime employee Michelle Boulet-Stevenson who identifies as Hispanic, speaks fluent Spanish and engages with Spanish speakers when they come to the station.
KXCI devotes four hours of programming a week to solely Latino music and the Hispanic DJs broadcast some portions of their programming in Spanish. The regular music mix includes a great deal of Latino artists, as well as AfroCuban, Middle Eastern and many other artists of different ethnicities. On Friday nights KXCI has a specialty program called Rez Radio, focused on Native American Rock, Rap, Reggae and Waila Music, a localized and very specific Southwest style of music also referred to Chicken Scratch.
KXCI’s public affairs programming such as Broad Perspectives, a show that discusses issues and topics devoted entirely to women, and 30 Minutes that addresses political issues and vital local services in the community provide content to minority audiences. Topics discussed often include resources for refugees as Tucson’s refugee population grows. KXCI’s partnership with the Tucson Festival of Books and Literacy Connects also supports second language and illiterate adults. Additional engagement with underrepresented audiences includes special daylong programming for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Stonewall Day and Black History Month, which includes voices from the community often speaking directly to their peers.
5. Please assess the impact that your CPB funding had on your ability to serve your community. What were you able to do with your grant that you wouldn’t be able to do if you didn’t receive it?
Our funding from the CPB makes it possible for KXCI to focus our energy on serving our mission and our community. KXCI’s mission is to connect the communities of Tucson and Southern Arizona to each other, and to the world, with informative, engaging and creative community based radio programming. Our goals, which include informing listeners on local topics, events, and trends through broadcast and digital platforms, and creating additional programming that reflects the community’s diversity on multiple levels including, ethnicity, age, and socioeconomics. These are all dependent upon CPB grants. Through our volunteer orientations, educational services such as our Youth DJ Summer Camp, Adult DJ Training classes and internships we develop diverse and independent voices in order to promote civic and cultural participation in the greater community. Without CPB funding we would not be able to achieve our mission and goals, throughout Tucson and Southern Arizona, and especially our nonprofit partners would be significantly negatively affected.
KXCI operates on a very slim budget of approximately $600,000 a year and manages to create a vibrant station and community resource with only four full time employees currently, and a small handful of part-time employees and interns. Any fewer employees and the basic necessities of running a radio station would not be fulfilled. Our revenue sources include membership, underwriting and grants, if one of these revenue sources falls short. KXCI would not able to provide the community with 24 hour programming or all the community outreach and engagement we provide. In 2015 CPB money is essential to completing KXCI’s goal to provide greater digital content including archived audio broadcasts, video content of live performances and interviews, and additional digital-only programming to engage a more diverse audience geographically and demographically via digital platforms.
The CPB grant makes everything the station does possible including our event sponsorships of other cultural and community organizations, aswell as our ability to host local and national musicians. We view collaboration as a key element in significantly increasing impact despite limitedresources. CPB support keeps us focused on our mission, our audience and most importantly our community. Specifically this grant allows us to hire expertise to accomplish smarter membership fundraising in order to reduce the overall number of hours of fundraising creating more space for engaging, creative and diverse programming. In addition to helping to provide security and stability for our small station, the CPB support is leveraged in seeking other grant opportunities. Without the CPB the diversity of community programming across the country would be in peril. As we like to say at KXCI with the power of the microphone the possibilities are endless, and thanks to the CPB we can open our microphone to all. KXCI is thankful that the CPB provides so much to stations like ours.