KXCI Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 17, 2013 5:45pm Maker House, 283 North Stone
I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Mary Beth Haralovich at 5:47pm.
II. Attendance
Present: Gene Armstrong, Becky Birk, David Davis, Tony Ford, Jennie Grabel, Mary Beth Haralovich, Keith Kanzler, Laura Reese (appointed 10/17), Katie Rogerson, Michael Wyman, Jeff Zabel. Absent: Steve Itkin, Jim D’Antonio, David Curl, Jill Bishop – all excused
III. Approve Board Appointment
Motion by Katie Rogerson, seconded by Jennie Grabel, to appoint Laura Reese to the Board for a 3-year term. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Mission Moment
Mary Beth read a grateful email from a new listener and member who is also volunteering his services as a photographer. Mary Beth indicated that she’s receiving many more emails since the switch to the new website and they are overwhelmingly positive.
V. Capital Campaign Report- Deb Dale & Keith Kanzler
Deb Dale distributed the updated financial report on the campaign. We are nearing $225,000 in total pledges. Keith added that the campaign is now moving in to the public phase, with brochures headed out to 4,400+ current and recent members and the start of our on-air announcements. A meeting of the entire capital campaign steering committee is set for October 29th at the Pioneer Building, all are welcome. Deb added that we’re not exactly on target, as non-profits usually reach 50% of their goal before “going public.” But she adds that KXCI has a larger public footprint than many other non-profits.
At Mary Beth’s request, Deb also spoke briefly about the concept of honorary and emeritus boards (and distributed a handout on the subject). She recommended that KXCI seek to establish these groups but with clear boundaries – they are not governing boards, and don’t make them too big.
VI. Consent Agenda
Financial reports, committee reports, staff reports and the August 2013 minutes were approved by consent.
VII. Strategic Discussion
Bylaw Changes (tabled from August): Remain tabled as committee chair Steve Itkin is not present.
Katie reported on Board Development that she was coordinating with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to list board openings on their site. She has also spoken with the Black Chamber of Commerce and will be looking at the list of “40 Under 40” winners. There is one candidate interested in filling the remainder of John Barrett’s term.
Becky reported on CAB Development. The CAB met in August for its quarterly meeting. Becky reported that the CAB is “active and engaged” in reviewing the quarterly issues report and PSA report that Amanda prepares. Veronica Phillips is now chairing the CAB. Their next meeting is November 20th.
Gene reported on Volunteers. The volunteer meeting will be November 9th and discussion topics include the capital campaign, general station policies, and the GM review.
Jeff reported on the Personnel Committee. Gene and Becky are now members. They are working on the process to include station volunteers in the GM Review process.
Tony reported on the Technology Committee. The new website launched on September 11th. The staff is working with Tim Bowen on a few website issues, but overall response has been extremely positive. The committee will now work on some other tech issues related to the capital campaign.
Mary Beth reminded board members to try to table at upcoming events, watch for Amanda’s reminders. She also asked more board members to record capital campaign testimonials and to conduct the thank you calls.
Mary Beth asked for board members to meet to discuss the creation of an ad hoc committee to create a charter for honorary and emeritus boards. Mary Beth, Katie, Jennie and Keith will join Randy in the effort.
VIII. Board Credo
Mary Beth and Jennie talked about what a board credo is and how we can use it in the future.
IX. Executive Session: none
X. Adjournment: at 6:32pm
Respectfully submitted by
Randy Peterson, acting secretary for the evening