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BOD Minutes October 2011


KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Thursday, October 20, 2011 5:45pm Louise Marshall Building, Room 211 845 North Park Avenue, Tucson

I. Call To Order: Meeting called to order by Mary Beth at 5:56.

II. Attendance: Present – Mary Beth Haralovich, David Davis, Keith Kanzler, Andrew Agnew, Becky Birk, Cecily Crebbs, Marc Goodman, Lois Grushka, Ernesto Portillo Jr., Hardy Smith. Absent: Jamie Manser, John Barrett, Debra Rodriguez, Katie Rogerson, Michael T. Wyman (all excused).

III. Review And Adopt August 2011 Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes from August meeting and approved. None opposed.

IV. Committee Reports

Development – Committee continues to focus on arranging a fundraising workshop with Brian Bateman to include entire board. Will meet with Brian and discuss timeline and essence of Capital Campaign goals and objectives.

Finance – David advised that we are in a good position. Reports reviewed and line items discussed. Randy advised that the audit will change some of the numbers, but current estimates will be in the ballpark. Randy distributed draft three of the FY12 budget, adding that little changed from versions one and two. Membership is forecast to attain 4% growth with product sales going down. Lois inquired about the three staff development lines; Randy stated that he will investigate the line items and report on specifics of expenses. The Finance Committee agreed to review the matter. The FY12 budget was approved unanimously.

Bylaws – Hardy reports that the committee did not meet, nor were there any changes.

Personnel – Randy continues to work with Amanda regarding her job description, as well as that of Program Director, a position that is still to be determined as to whether it will be full-time or part-time. Decision will be determined in part by the status of the best hire. Cecily observed that all staff now need to pick up the slack left by the departure of Jason, and Randy advised that there are weekly meetings to determine how specific duties are being assigned.

Board Development – Lois advises that no meeting had been held and no changes occurred. Cecily inquired about a board member handbook, and Mary Beth recommended consulting the Strategic Plan implementation for reference.

Elections – Nothing new to report in this area.

Strategic Plan Implementation – Mary Beth provided priority goals and accomplishments. Discussed staffing plan and what’s needed to identify the skills and attributes potential new

board members should have. Set goal of February 2012 for recruitment. An ad hoc committee was also recommended to arrange fundraising events. Various ideas of how this would be implemented were discussed.

CAB Development – Hardy advised that a productive meeting was held that attempted to better define the CAB and improve on its historical efficacy. Discussed ideal size of board, appointment process, and frequency of meetings. Of primary concern is to create diversity and identify members that would be committed to the health of the station. Board would contain three officers: Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary, and it was suggested that current Board members be proactive in suggesting referrals. The nature of the CAB was discussed and to what extent it can provide useful feedback. Committee members will attempt to attend the AZPM CAB meeting to observe procedures there and report back.

Technology – Terrestrial issues were discussed, and Amanda was recognized for her efforts in dissemination of information regarding engineering studies, tower and signal options, and lease agreements. Many options will be determined by tower lease negotiation results, which is still in planning process.

V. Volunteer Representative

Ernesto reports that the volunteer meeting is set for November 30th at 6pm and encouraged board members to attend. The station’s Sonic Solstice party is now set for December 19th from 5:30 to 8pm and everyone is reminded to bring a dish to share. Family participation was encouraged and further suggestions were requested.

Discussion arose regarding where to have the next BOD meeting and it was agreed to continue to meet at the Louise Marshall Building for now.

VI. GM Report

Randy reviewed the October GM report submitted to the Board and discussed financial and personnel issues. Information was passed out regarding the raffle for a Nissan LEAF, and board members are encouraged to sell and/or purchase tickets as the station will get 100% of proceeds.

VII. New Business: none IIX. Call To Audience

Amanda distributed a list of new KXCI members and asked the Board to make than you calls to them. She included a suggested script to use.

IX. Executive Session

The Board went in to Executive Session at 7:58pm for the purpose of discussing the GM Review Process. The Executive Session ended at 8:05pm with no further action.

X. Adjournment: by acclamation at 8:05pm. Respectfully submitted,

Keith Kanzler, BOD Secretary


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