2021-11 KXCI Board Meeting-November 18, 2021 Minutes
Foundation for Creative Broadcasting dba
KXCI Community Radio
Board of Directors Meeting
November 18, 2021 5:15 pm
Location: 127 W. Franklin St. Tucson, AZ 85701 (in-person)
Call to Order & Attendance:
Meeting called to order at 5:15 p.m.
Board of Directors Members Present:
Yissel Salafsky, President
Diane Shifflett, Vice President
Paul Chandler, Treasurer
Ellie Patterson, Secretary
Gwen Hernandez
Neto Portillo
Monty Vance
Adam Weinstein
Jill Bishop
Motion to accept September 26, 2021 minutes made by Paul, seconded by Neto. Passed unanimously.
Treasurer Report
Paul Chandler shared balance sheet and statement of activities. The balance sheet showed an increase in our asset position by about 40k reflecting a successful September financial campaign. The liability side showed an increase of 11k.
The books were closed on FY 2021 with an income of $280,9K more than expected due to strong membership support and unexpected government agencies and private donors. 50% of that amount will automatically go into the cash reserve fund.
Committee Reports
Finance: Paul reported that our banking business is slowly being transferred from Compass Bank to Vantage West Credit Union with all monies in Vantage West by year-end. There was discussion on developing the Capital budget for this year. Plans in the works include updating the lease agreement with Lotus and moving forward on the transmitter re-location to the Houghton site. Other plans include continuing the HVAC installation that will result in a much-needed heating and cooling system for APH with multiple quality features and benefits. The finance committee has been comprised of Elva, Amanda, Duncan and Paul and there is a need for additional Board participation.
Governance: Adam is planning a meeting in the near future. Neto agreed on the plan of getting the BOD Recruitment & Onboarding task force in place by February 2022.
Development: Jill Bishop, Chair, led the discussion and shared her idea on changing the development committee structure to one of a task force with suggested frequency of meetings every 3 or 4 months. This task force would be more of an ad hoc committee that would help strategize top-level development initiatives. Jill has used this model successfully in the past and felt it would work well with our KXCI organization. Yissel suggested that the structure retain the committee title until the new Development committee of both board members and staff meet to discuss direction of committee.
Executive Director Report
ED Elva De La Torre presented her report.
Action Items/Discussion Items
Bi-monthly BOD Meeting Calendar: President Yissel announced that the Board will now meet 6 times/year, rather than monthly, giving members more time to serve in other capacities. This new schedule meets bylaws requirement of number of meetings annually. Yissel distributed graph document with suggested meeting dates for the rest of the year which includes the BOD retreat Feb. 12, 2022. A future retreat date was also discussed as well as onboarding considerations of new board members given new meeting schedule. Future meeting dates confirmed- Jan. 27; Feb. 12 serving as retreat/meeting; March 24. At the March 24 meeting, future meeting dates will be decided. Future locations were discussed and Diane recommended St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church at Alvernon/Speedway due to central location, ample parking and no rental cost.
Call to the Audience
Amanda Shauger, Amanda’s goddaughter, Jenny Rougier, Soumaya Belmec Heri
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm. Neto made the motion and Paul seconded for adjournment.
Respectfully submitted (Dec. 13, 2021)
Ellie Patterson, Secretary