KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 16, 2013 5:45pm
City of Tucson Community Resource Center, 320 North Commerce Park Loop, Tucson
Call to Order and Attendance.
Meeting called to order by Mary Beth @ 5:49. Present: David Curl, Jim D’Antonio, David Davis, Tony Ford, Mary Beth Haralovich, Steve Itkin, Keith Kanzler, Katie Rogerson, Jeff Zabel. Absent, excused: Becky Birk, Cecily Crebbs, Ernesto Portillo Jr., Michael Wyman. Absent: John Barrett (submitted resignation, moving out of state).
Capital Campaign update
Deb Dale advised that one-on-one training has begun for all parties that will be doing gift requests. Those interested instructed to let her know. Announced that a piece in the Tucson Lifestyle will be released next week. Once again encouraged all to continue to submit prospect referrals and indicate any connections anyone might have with prospect list already handed out. Latest financial updates given. Reminded all about the monthly “drop in” gathering that will take place the second Thursday of each month at the Downtown Kitchen restaurant with the next scheduled one set for 6/13.
Review of minutes.
Minutes from April meeting reviewed. Corrected the name of Angie Smith, where Deb Dale
should have been indicated. April minutes then approved.
Committee Reports.
a) Development: All reminded once again that development issues will coincide with the capital campaign for the duration of the campaign.
b) Finance: David reviews Assets, Equity, and Liability spread sheets, which are provided, as well as Budget & Year to Date vs. Actual for Revenues and Expenses details.
c) Bylaws: Steve advises that he continues to review current bylaws as adopted March 2004.
Personnel: Jeff advised that he continues to look over current policy status and legal issues. Outside assistance continues to be cultivated to determine best practice in this area. Mary Beth advises that GM review successfully completed for this year. Committee will look at the prospect of including volunteers in the GM review as well as the board and staff. The staff will be interviewed regarding the current instrument being used and suggestions sought for any improvements that may be needed in that regard. Committee will also review options for staff to report problems with station operations. It is proposed that we move carefully in this regard and ultimately consult an HR professional for assistance.
Board Development: Katie advises that the committee is now blended with the Executive Committee. She encourages all to continue to keep recruitment in mind especially in seeking individuals with development and fundraising experience. She introduced Jill Bishop, who has extensive radio and development experience and has been on the CAB for the last year. Departing member John Barrett acknowledged for his contributions over the past several years with the board. Mary Beth announces that elected and appointed board members will be seated during the June board meeting, which will also be the annual meeting, and confirmed that Board Development will combine with the EC. She solicited members regarding interest in being officers especially for position of Secretary as Keith will now devote majority of time toward efforts associated with the Capital Campaign. Issues regarding the annual retreat discussed as well as potential locations.
Elections: There are currently 3 candidates which includes 2 incumbents and Jennie Grabel on the ballot. E-ballots will go out tonight with paper ones being available at the office and PDF ones available on the website.
Strategic Plan: Mary Beth advises that Strategic Plan issues will be discussed at the upcoming Board retreat.
CAB: Amanda advises that she has the quarterly issues report. She stated that while membership is shifting, six solid members remain. All are encouraged to keep recruitment in mind.
Technology: Tony reported that the essential framework for the revised website, the general concept for how the website will lay out, is complete. Several BOD members stressed the importance of the revised website to KXCI and to the capital campaign. Amanda reported the survey for the booster is done. KXCI is sending the survey data to the antenna company for an estimate on the antenna. This is also a good time to seek an estimate on upkeep and repairs to the antenna on Mt. Bigelow. Amanda continues to work on the equipment budget for the booster and Mt. Bigelow alignment. After we receive the specifications on the antenna, KXCI can file with the FCC for a construction permit.
V. Volunteer Representative Report
Randy reminded all volunteers, BOD included, to come to the all-volunteer photo shoot at the station on Saturday, 9:00 AM.
VI. General Manager’s Report
Randy discussed the informal “What Does Your Dream Station Look Like” survey that he conducted with BOD members and KXCI staff. In all the categories, the BOD rated KXCI higher than staff did. The routine FCC license renewal paperwork is underway. Randy distributed information for BOD members to use to solicit items for the KXCI auctions.
Randy elaborated on KXCI’s online member survey about archived content. The survey revealed that members stream KXCI when they are out of town as well as at home and at work. Members are interested in archived content, in particular KXCI’s late night shows, Studio A recordings, and recordings of the Tucson Folk Fest and the Tucson Blues Fest. Members gave high ratings to most of the ideas for new mini-programs. Among the existing mini-programs, Petey Mesquitey is very popular. The new KXCI website will have a “member lounge” where KXCI archived content can be accessed with a username and password.
VII. New Business: None.
IIX. Call To Audience: no one wished to speak
IX. Executive Session: none needed
X. Adjournment: 7:09 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Keith Kanzler, Board Secretary (up to Technology Report)
Mary Beth Haralovich (everything after)