KXCI Board Meeting Minutes 3.31.22
Foundation for Creative Broadcasting dba KXCI Community Radio
Board of Directors Meeting
March 31, 5:15 pm
Location: Zoom
Call to Order & Attendance:
President Yissel Salafsky called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.
Board Members in attendance: Jill Bishop; Paul Chandler, Treasurer; Gwen Hernandez; Ellie
Patterson, Secretary; Yissel Salafsky, President; Diane Shifflett, Vice-President; Monty Vance
Excused: Ernesto Portillo, Jr. Volunteer Rep; Adam Weinstein
Guest: Susan M. Vos, CPA, CFE of Regier Carr & Monroe, CPAs
Motion to approve the Minutes of January 27, 2022 made by Paul, seconded by Monty. Passed
Committee Reports: Auditor’s Review, Treasurer’s Report and Finance Committee:
Susan Vos, the lead auditor, gave summary report of the audit of financial statements for the
year ended Sept. 30, 2021. It was a clean opinion and they had no findings that would lead
them to believe that they were not fairly stated. Susan commented on how much she enjoyed
doing the audit this year and how quickly Elva responded with information needed for the report.
Susan ended her report by saying that our organization is in a very good position. Paul said the
Finance committee had no questions and was pleased with the report.
Paul reviewed the financial reports for months ending in January and February and our asset
position dropped about 12k since the last treasurer’s report due to no recent financial campaign.
On the liability side there is a decrease of about 30K over the last two months. In January there
was $35,657 in membership/donations and $29,878 in February which is about average.
Underwriting is improving with $12,437 in January report and $15,123 for February. January
expenses were $59,691. February was $69,385 due to a few one-time expenses paid in
February. Expenses are a little higher due to staff additions.
The finance committee had reviewed the draft Audit and was pleased with the report. Continued
work on an Investment Policy Statement for the Foundation resulting in a 6-page rough draft
policy that is now on the Google drive for members to review and edit. One goal of the Policy
Statement is to define more thoroughly our fund at CFSA and change the current non-endowed
fund status to an endowed fund. Jill asked about the minimum amount for an endowed fund and
Paul will ascertain the amount needed.
Paul made a motion that the Audit be accepted as presented. Monty seconded the motion and it
was passed unanimously. Yissel thanked Elva for working so well with Susan.
Governance: Gwen reported that their committee met to create the documents of recruitment and onboarding
including policies and procedures. She described the 3-step process of recruitment and
emphasized the need for ongoing effort in board recruitment. Gwen shared the names of current
Gwen then described the onboarding process. The recruitment and onboarding working
documents will be on the Google drive for review/editing by members. Gwen felt they were close
to their final draft.
Development: Jill and her philanthropy task force gathered in February to discuss future action and goals. Jill
shared her draft development plan with the board, a format that has proved successful for her in
the past. Jill and Amanda are both working on the overall development plan. Her task force will
review Jill’s completed draft with revenue goals at the May meeting and work on key
development areas including major gifts, planned gifts and donor funding. The plan includes the
rest of this year and FY 23.
Volunteer Rep Update: President Yissel reported that Neto is terming off the volunteer rep position in August. Key
leadership will work together to identify Neto’s replacement in the near future so Neto and new
volunteer rep can work together before Neto leaves.
Executive Director Report: Elva thanked everyone on the board for their committee work and expressed her appreciation
for what each individual brings to the board before delivering her report. Elva covered the areas
of Personnel, Financial Management, Fund Development, Programming, Community and
Operations. She announced that Spring Drive begins April 5 with newer folks pitching and new
community messaging.
Action Items/Discussion Items:
President Yissel screen shared the bi-monthly meeting calendar of KXCI board and committees
and asked that members update information from what was developed at the retreat for future
reference. She encouraged members to review the BOD job description and bylaws on the drive
and provide feedback that may be helpful in these areas. With the upcoming membership drive,
it is giving time for board members. There will be no Board meetings scheduled in the summer.
Yissel made a motion to adjourn meeting. Jill seconded. Meeting adjourned 6:41.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellie Patterson, Secretary
KXCI Board of Directors
May 9, 2022