KXCI Board of Directors Annual and Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 20, 2013 5:45pm
City of TucsonCommunityResourceCenter, 320 NorthCommerceParkLoop, Tucson
- I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Mary Beth @ 5:45
- II. Attendance
Present: Becky Birk, David Curl, Jim D’Antonio, David Davis, Tony Ford, Mary Beth Haralovich, Steve Itkin, Keith Kanzler, , Katie Rogerson, , Jeff Zabel. Absent: Michael Wyman and Ernesto Portillo Jr.– both excused.
III. Elections
a) Keith Kanzler, Katie Rogerson and Jennie Grabel were presented as nominees for membership to the BOD. Tony Ford made a motion to approve all three candidates which was seconded by David Davis. The motion was unanimously approved. Introductions followed at the end of the meeting.
b) Board Development Chair Katie Rogerson recommended that Jill Bishop be appointed as a member of the BOD. Becky Birk made a motion to appoint Jill Bishop to the BOD which was seconded by David Davis. The motion was unanimously approved.
c) The BOD acknowledged the service of departing BOD members Cecily Crebbs and Ernesto Portillo, Jr. and extended sincere thanks for their years of dedication to KXCI.
d) Election of Officers:
President- Katie Rogerson nominated Mary Beth Haralovich to run for the position of President. Mary Beth accepted the nomination and there being no other nominations, was approved unanimously by the BOD.
Vice President- – Katie Rogerson nominated herself to run for the position of Vice President. There being no other nominations, was approved unanimously by the BOD.
Treasurer- Steve Itkin nominated David Davis to run for the position of Treasurer. David Davis accepted the nomination and there being no other nominations, was approved unanimously by the BOD.
Secretary- Steve Itkin nominated himself to run for the position of Secretary. There being no other nominations, was approved unanimously by the BOD.
The Executive Committee will consist of all Officers and the Chair of the Fundraising Development Committee, Keith Kanzler
IV. Capital Campaign update
Angie Smith and Deb Dale reviewed the latest developments with the campaign including the up to date pledge and collection amounts and donor meetings. There was a $26,000 increase in pledges totaling $170,000. That is 23% of the Campaign’s low goal amount. Keith, Deb and Angie are available for training and to provide more prospects for “ask” meetings.
Corporate grant requests are being prepared for companies including Texas Instruments, The Marshall Foundation, Union Pacific, and Kinder Morgan, among others. Board members and volunteers are asked to look for and suggest businesses that have matching gift programs. Contact Keith, Deb or Angie with your suggestions.
- V. Mission Moment
Michelle Boulet-Stephenson introduced “Goal 3000” as KXCI’s program to have 3000 members for KXCI’s 30th anniversary. She presented ideas about steps to be taken to gain approximately 500 new members by December. KXCI currently has 2530 members. KXCI will do acquisition mailings, staff booths at the UA and PCC for Orientation Week, conduct workplace presentations, approach ECAP participants, use celebrity testimonials, and schedule recording session cocktail parties. Tony Ford suggested that KXCI participate in the Downtown Innovation District. Event booths will have membership signage and booth volunteers will be asked to encourage people to become members. Board members and volunteers will all be asked to promote membership at their workplaces and other places they frequent. Jeff Zabel suggested awarding free one-year memberships for subsequent renewal income. Michelle noted that membership has increased as a result of the weekly drawings for members.
VI. Dashboard Review
Mary Beth Haralovich presented the new materials that will be circulated for BOD meetings. There will be summary templates (“Dashboards”) for Staff and BOD Committee reports.
- VII. Consent Items
A Consent Agenda will be included in the BOD Meeting Agendas. It will include items that do not normally require discussion such as the approval of the prior meeting’s minutes, the Treasurer’s financial reports, etc. Suggestions for Consent Agenda items are welcome.
Materials will be distributed approximately one week prior to BOD meetings. Written requests for the removal of an item from the Consent Agenda and amendments to the minutes from the prior meeting must be submitted to the President not less than two days prior to the Board meeting.
- VIII. Strategic Dialogue: Issues for June
a) Streamline Committees
Refer to handout of KXCI Committees. Bylaws and Strategic Planning have been combined into the Governance Committee. The Board Development Committee has been combined with the Election Committee. The Chair of the Fundraising Development Committee will be included in the Executive Committee.
b) Website and booster status
Tony Ford presented the main landing page for the new website and described its features and capabilities. The new website is expected to be live by the end of the summer.
Amanda Shauger provided an update on the Los AltosTower, the Booster, the transmitter located on Mt.Bigalow, and the status of the required FCC filings. Engineering studies for the Los AltosTower are continuing. The transmitter on Mt.Bigalow sustained ice damage and should be replaced. That cost is estimated at $26,000.
c) Identify BOD go-to person for staff and volunteers
Steve Itkin reported that KXCI’s Bylaws provide that grievance procedures for staff and volunteers must be in place. Also, Kris Klotz, an employment law attorney at DeConcini reviewed KXCI’s Personnel Policies. She agreed that having a BOD go-to person for staff and volunteers was a good idea and she agreed to prepare a policy to that effect to be included in KXCI’s Policy Manual.
Jeff Zabel, Chair of the Personnel Committee, volunteered to be the go-to person for staff and volunteer issues that cannot be resolved within the employment environment.
Jeff and Steve will develop a policy for approval by the Board.
IX. New Business
Katie Rogerson reported that the Southern Arizona Leadership offices are available for use for KXCI’s retreat. Randy reminded everyone of the upcoming events sponsored by KXCI including the House Rockin’ Blues Review Reunion Party at El Casino, 2nd Saturday concerts on the top of the Pennington Garage and Porchfest.
X. Call to audience
No comments
XI. Executive Session
Not needed.
XII. Board Credo
Mary Beth proclaimed that it was done by everyone introducing themselves to the new Board members tonight.
XIII. Adjournment By acclamation @ 7:12pm
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Itkin
BOD Secretary