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BOD Minutes June 2012


KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Thursday, June 21 2012 5:45pm

Louise Marshal Building, Room 211

845 North Park Avenue, Tucson

  1. I.       Call to Order 

Meeting called to order by Mary Beth @ 5:51

  1. II.     Attendance

 Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, John Barrett, Becky Birk, David Davis, Lois Grushka, Steve Itkin, Keith Kanzler, Ernesto Portillo Jr., Katie Rogerson, Jeff Zabel

Absent: , Cecily Crebbs and Michael Wyman – excused.

  1. III.   Review and adoption of March April Minutes.  

Minutes approved.

At this time the election results are reviewed, certified and unanimously approved.  New board members David Curl, Tony Ford, and Jim D’Antonio are seated at this time.

Officer election conducted at this time as well and Mary Beth advises that she is willing to remain as president.  Mary Beth unanimously approved.  Katie nominated as vice president and approved.  Keith will remain as secretary.

  1. IV.   Committee Reports

Development:   Keith advises that Smith and Dale moving forward as planned on feasibility study.    Advises that specific BOD duties will be discussed in greater detail at retreat scheduled for late august.


Finance:  David D. reviews financial statements, including budget and expense detail reports, Statements of Assets, and Liabilities and Equity.  He advises that the station remains in an overall improved condition.   David will remain chair of finance committee and new board members Jim and Steve assigned to committee at this time.  Ernesto asked about the drop off in the membership dues category resulting from the sustaining membership numbers falling.  Lois suggests that voters in last election who attempted to vote but were not valid due to membership having expired, be contacted and urged to return.


Bylaws: Mary Beth notes that this committee needs a chair.  John volunteers and David advises that he will remain on the committee as well.


Personnel:   Mary Beth reviews the Personnel committee obligations and current membership.  Advises that in January, it will begin GM review process in earnest.


Board Development:  BOD retreat issues and agenda discussed at this time.  Options for location to hold retreat discussed.   Mary Beth advises that she will send out the new committee rosters and contact sheets with new information included.  The committee did not officially meet this period, but will continue recruitment efforts with a focus on creating diversity.    New member orientation packet discussed.  Katie advises that they are fine tuning the process.   A new chair will be appointed asap, but Katie states that she will remain as long as necessary.    Mary Beth suggests that a flyer be created to solicit new members during events.  Job descriptions continue to be finalized.


Elections:   Election results reviewed and acted on prior to committee reports.


Strategic Plan:  Committee members will continue to create list of priorities to include in upcoming plan rework.


CAB Development:   Becky expresses interest in being chair of this committee and is so assigned. The meetings will continue to be on quarterly basis.


Technology:      Tony volunteers for committee placement and all agreed will be a welcome addition.  Current issues of northwest reception and websight development discussed.  Amanda advises that she has officially stepped up as the staff go to person in this area and described in general the current issues that exist.





  1. V.    Volunteer Representative

Ernesto requests that he be able to meet with Smith and Dale to review volunteer issues, preferably after the retreat.

  1. VI.   GM Report

Randy reviews written report distributed to all including his summer project assignments and goals.  Amanda discusses the logistics of current booster/transmitter progress and advises that she has handed latest information to the engineering staff.  John questions the need vs ability math, what were primary factors driving the equation, and what solutions will have the greatest effect on the most listeners.



VII            New Business  

Katie advises that the Tucson Values Teachers drive for classroom supplies is seeking media                               sponsors and asks if the station would be willing to assist in that regard.  Randy advises that this would indeed be appropriate, and would be glad to assist.

IIX           Call to Audience 

                     Eb discusses signal strength issues..

       IX           Executive Session:  

None taken.

X           Adjournment:     by acclimation @ 7:06 pm


Respectfully submitted,

Keith Kanzler



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