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BOD Minutes January 2013


KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 17 2013 5:45pm

KXCI Offices: 220 South Forth Avenue, Tucson

Call to Order

Meeting called to order by Mary Beth @ 5:48


Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, John Barrett, Cecily Crebbs, David Curl, David Davis, Tony Ford, Lois Grushka, Keith Kanzler, Ernesto Portillo Jr., Katie Rogerson, Jeff Zabel

Absent: Becky Birk, Jim D’Antonio, and Michael Wyman – excused. Steve Itkin

Mary Beth recognizes Lois Grushka for her service to the board and station as her term on the board has now expired. She is presented with her Service Plaque.

Deb Dale reviews progress of Capital Campaign at this time. She outlines process of creating the Campaign Committee and provides updates on visits completed and collections to date.

Review and adoption of October Minutes.

Minutes approved. It is noted that the station website is now updated to include all past minutes. The process of collecting and disseminating committee report information for the minutes is discussed with focus on alternatives to current system. All chairs reminded to submit reports to Michelle prior to the BOD meeting. Tony suggests Google and will work with Keith to arrange for report transfers.

Mary Beth brings up issue around where BOD will meet in the future and inquires about alternatives. This will continue to be reviewed, but next month will remain at the station.

The concept of having 6 meetings per year instead of the current 8 discussed and the pros and cons weighed. Executive committee will investigate the protocol of this possibility.

Committee Reports

Development: Keith reports that issues re: Development will essentially be dovetailed with latest information around the Capital Campaign, and referred to briefing by Deb Dale.

Finance: David D. reviews financial statements, including budget and expense detail reports, Statements of Assets, and Liabilities and Equity. Discussion held regarding the Capital Campaign accounting process. Detailed reports distributed.


Bylaws: John suggests that this committee be combined with the Executive committee with focus on updating.

Personnel: Jeff advised that the process of creating Job Descriptions for station personnel is nearing completion, with only Amanda left to do. Will set meeting with Randy within a month to finalize process. Mary Beth reminds all that this month is the beginning of the annual GM review. Review process discussed and all encouraged to participate.

Board Development: Katie advises that the committee as a whole did not meet, but that several leads were being pursued and that all will continue to search for and cultivate appropriate and diverse candidates.

Elections: Michael not present. Mary Beth reviews timelines for this year’s activities.

Strategic Plan: Mary Beth advises that she has met with Randy to discuss current goals and that while most are underway, some still need attention. Current Strategic Plan dates from 2008. Mary Beth reviews timelines for this year’s activities.

CAB Development: Did not meet this month. Written report provided.

Technology: Tony Ford reports that the committee met and provided written report on details, which was reviewed at this time.

Volunteer Representative: Ernesto advised that last meeting/party went well and that the date for next meeting was not currently set.

GM Report

Randy reviews written report distributed to all. Issues regarding FCC and License renewal discussed. Board development and programming issues also discussed at this time.

VII. New Business : None noted.

IIX. Call to Audience

Laura Adams introduced as a prospective BOD member. Miguel Ortega also spoke about his enthusiasm for the station.

IX Executive Session: None taken.

X Adjournment: by acclamation @ 7:23 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Keith Kanzler, Secretary


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