KXCI Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 20, 2014 5:45pm
Maker House, 283 N. Stone Ave., Tucson
I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Mary Beth Haralovich @ 5:45 p.m.
II. Attendance
Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, Jim D’Antonio, David Davis, Tony Ford, Steve Itkin, Laura Adams Reese, Gene Armstrong- Volunteer Rep, Michael Wyman, Keith Kanzler , Becky Birk, Jeff Zabel; Excused: Jennie Grabel , Katie Rogerson, David Curl.
III. Mission Moment: Michael Wyman presented the following: He loves KXCI and continues to be involved with the station. He joined the Board 6 years ago in response to a PSA. He got involved working on committees, took the DJ class, became a DJ and now subs for DJs when needed.
IV. Capital Campaign Report- Keith Kanzler
Keith reported that pledges now total just under $400,000 with $218,000 in hand. He reported that the Amplify KXCI celebration at Etherton Gallery on January 29 was a great success. The tower lease is about to be signed and the antenna is expected to be ordered around the end of February. Then, the transmitter is expected to be ordered around the end of April. It is hoped that it will be operational by June or July. Keith reminded everyone that WE NEED MORE DONORS!!
We were reminded that the spring membership pledge drive is coming up and that we need phone volunteers. Training will be provided.
An article on KXCI and the capital campaign will be published in the April edition of Tucson Lifestyle magazine.
Amanda reminded everyone that we need “thank you calls” volunteers to make calls to members from the KXCI phones at the station.
V. Consent Agenda
Financials as reported on the Staff Reports and Board Committee Dashboards and the January Board meeting Minutes were approved by consent. Gene Armstrong added that the DJ Capital Campaign contributions are at $58,600. That is 78% of the DJ goal. Gene reminded everyone that volunteer orientations are continuing and that board members are volunteers, too. We need volunteers to answer phones during the membership drive and to record testimonials to promote membership. We were reminded that the sign up sheets are available at the station for tabling at the Tucson Festival of Books and for the following week at the 4th Ave. Street Fair. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!!
VI. Action Items: Review and Adopt
1) Grievance Policy– Steve Itkin and Jeff Zabel for the Governance and Personnel Committees presented a Grievance Policy and recommended that it be adopted as a Policy of the Board for addressing grievances of staff members of the corporation that are not resolved by management. A copy of the proposed Policy is attached. Tony Ford moved that it be adopted. David Davis seconded the motion. A discussion followed. A vote was taken and the motion was unanimously passed.
2) Gift Acceptance Policy- Randy Peterson presented a Gift Policy and recommended that it be adopted as a Policy of the Board for addressing donations of real and personal property to the corporation. Steve Itkin moved to table this motion. Bill Poorten seconded the motion. A discussion followed. A vote was taken and the motion was unanimously passed.
3) Bank Account Signatory Policy- Randy Peterson presented a Bank Account Signatory Policy to meet the requirements of the corporation’s banks and to assure best practices in the financial administration of the corporation. A copy of the proposed Policy is attached. Randy recommended that it be adopted as a Policy of the Board. Jim D’Antonio moved that it be approved. David Davis seconded the motion. A discussion followed. A vote was taken and the motion was unanimously passed.
VII. Strategic Discussion Items
1) Treasurer– Mary Beth Haralovich announced that the corporation’s treasurer, David Davis’ term ends in May. A call for volunteers for nomination to the position was made.
2) Studio 2A upgrade, crowd source funding– Laura Adams Reese questioned the timing and use of crowd funding for Studio 2A upgrades while the corporation is doing its capital campaign. Randy Peterson provided background and explanation of why this was done and a discussion followed.
3) Ad Hoc Committee Report: Strategic Plan Planning Recommendation: to extend the existing Strategic Plan to October 1, 2014– Laura Adams Reese moved to extend the current Strategic Plan to October 1, 2014. Bill Poorten seconded the motion. A discussion followed. Tony Ford suggested that the ad hoc Rebranding Committee be included in the Strategic Planning Committee. It was noted that extending the Strategic Plan is needed for applying for and administering grants. It was suggested that the new third generation of KXCI’s Strategic Plan be developed using feedback from online polls and surveys.
4) Emeritus/Honorary Board- Mary Beth Haralovich presented a background paper and proposed that the Board develop a Charter for each. A discussion followed and an ad hoc committee was formed to develop Charters for Emeritus and Honorary Boards for The Foundation for Creative Broadcasting, Inc.. The initial members of the committee are Mary Beth Haralovich, Randy Peterson, Bill Poorten, and Katie Rogerson.
VIII. Call to Audience: Nothing offered.
IX. Board Credo
Mary Beth Haralovich urged everyone to actively support KXCI’s mission. She urged everyone to participate by tabling at the many upcoming events and making membership and thank you calls from the station.
XI. Executive Session: none
XII. Meeting Self-Assessment
An assessment of the meeting was given by each Board Member as presented and led by Randy Peterson. Randy learned about this tool at the Executive Director Roundtable. In summary, many were pleased with the energy and productivity of the Board Members present. The acoustics in the current meeting room were noted to be poor and made communicating meeting difficult.
XIII. Adjournment at 7 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Itkin, Secretary of the Board