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BOD Minutes August 2012

KXCI Board ofDirectors Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 16 2012 5:45pm
Community Resource Center
320North Commerce Park Loop, Tucson
I. CalltoOrder
Meeting called to order by Mary Beth @ 5:48
II. Attendance
Present: Mary BethHaralovich, Becky Birk, Cecily Crebbs,David Curl,DavidDavis, Tony
Ford, LoisGrushka, Steve Itkin, Keith Kanzler, Katie Rogerson,Jeff Zabel
Absent:John Barrett, Ernesto Portillo Jr. and Michael Wyman ‐ excused.
III. Review and adoption of MarchApril Minutes.
Minutes approved.
IV. Committee Reports
Development: Currentstatus of progress on capital campaign with Smith andDale
reviewed. Randy advised that all will getreportsregarding the feasibility study and thumb
drive containing all information detailed therein at upcoming board retreat.
Finance: DavidD.reviewsfinancialstatements, including budget and expense detail
reports, Statements of Assets, and Liabilities and Equity. He advisesthat while our cash
position waslessening, itisstillstrong.
Action itemtaken up atthistime regarding Budgetreportforthe time period ofOctober
2012 through September 2013. Board reviews and discussesspecific issuesin proposal
including Total income,Gross profits, Wages, and Expenses. Move to accept approved
Bylaws: The committeemet and worked on presentation for upcoming board retreat.
Personnel: Jeff advisesthat no statement currently existsregarding the parameters ofthe
personnel committee. Itis decided that goals and strategies will be worked on in relation of
all issues especially asrelated toGrantrequirements, legal issues etc. Job descriptions will
be reviewed and an employment attorney consulted as necessary.
BoardDevelopment: Katie advisesthatthe committee did notmeet, but existing projects
with continue to be refined. Agenda for board retreatreviewed. All are reminded tomake
effortto volunteerfor upcoming events.Elections: No report given.
Strategic Plan: Itis advised thatthere will bemore information in this area afterthe
upcoming board retreat.
CABDevelopment: Becky advisesthatthe CABmet on August 8 and thatit went well.
Goals and objectives discussed in orderto determine of whatfocus of group should be.
Now in the process ofinvestigating other CAB’sto determine what areas are normally
covered in this arena.
Technology: Tony reviews currentissuesincludingNPRDigital Core, Benchmarked
Streaming and web status, Stand Alone site option,Digitalization, Tower options, and the
option to hire a developerspecialist. Will provide greater detail at upcoming board retreat.
V. Volunteer Representative
No report given.
VI. GM Report
Randy reviews written report distributed to all including newly accepted budget. Reminds all
thatmembership drive starts on September 13 and requeststhat boardmembersmake an
effortto record a 30 second spotto advocate formembership. Will havemore information
at upcoming board retreat.
VII NewBusiness
None noted.
IIX CalltoAudience
No response.
IX Executive Session:
None taken.X Adjournment: by acclimation @ 7:18 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Keith Kanzler


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