KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 18, 2013 5:45pm (Approved 5/16/13)
City of Tucson Community Resource Center, 320 North Commerce Park Loop
Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Mary Beth @ 5:52
Present: Jim D’Antonio, David Davis, Mary Beth Haralovich, Steve Itkin, Keith Kanzler, Ernesto Portillo Jr., Katie Rogerson, Michael Wyman, Jeff Zabel
Absent: Becky Birk, Cecily Crebbs, Tony Ford – excused. John Barrett, David Curl.
Capital Campaign update
Deb Dale reviews the latest developments with the campaign reminding all to continue to submit prospect referrals and indicate any connections anyone might have with prospect list already handed out. Latest financial updates given. Announced a monthly “drop in” gathering that will take place the second Thursday of each month at the Downtown Kitchen restaurant.
Committee Reports.
Development: All reminded once again that development issues will coincide with the capital campaign for the duration of the campaign.
Finance: David reviews Assets, Equity, and Liability spread sheets, which are provided, as well as Budget & Year to Date vs Actual for Revenues and Expenses details. David requests feedback regarding any other specifics anyone would be interested in seeing fleshed out in reports, and what areas are particularly useful overall.
Bylaws: As John Barrett is leaving soon, Steve Itkin is placed as new chair of Bylaws. Steve states that he will begin to familiarize himself with current issues in this area.
Personnel: Met and discussed outstanding issues. Job descriptions reviewed and clarified. The description for Community Engagement Director finished up and is now approved. They will now work on job description for Cathy Rivers.
Board Development: Met in conjunction with the Executive Committee. Katie advised that there are currently 3 seats open and 3 current members whose terms will end this cycle. That of Katie, Keith, and Cecily. Katie reports that there are 2 prospects currently being recruited, but nothing firm to report at this time. The committee will remain open to suggestions from all and encouraged everyone to keep this in mind. Dates for the Board retreat discussed with August 24 being the most likely choice for now. The topic of combining of Board Development and the Executive committee discussed once again with meetings to take place during the current set time for EC to meet, which is directly after the Finance committee meeting on the Tuesdays prior to the monthly BOD meeting.
Elections: Michael advised of the approved schedule for this year and discussion followed regarding the “online vs mail in” question. The language to express any changes discussed and honed. Motion to approve making the ballot a primarily electronic one approved at this time. This issue will be revisited once results are realized.
Strategic Plan: Mary Beth advises that there is no new business and that upcoming changes will be discussed at the Board retreat.
CAB: Will meet on May 8 at David Curl’s office.
Technology: While Tony was not present, the committee did meet and a full report handed out indicating updates and options, timing and maintenance issues involved in the new booster project, as well as details regarding the Web site re-build project and current status.
V. Volunteer Report
Neto advises that no meeting took place this month, but that positive feedback received in regard to two recent music events.
VI. GM Report
Randy reviews written report distributed to all and hands out opinion poll. Staff reports also reviewed and Cathy advises all of recent camera placements in studio which will be utilized for creating You Tube content. Question raised regarding potential implications for Property Tax issues for an “arts “ organization.
VII. New Business : None noted.
IIX. Call to audience: No comments
IX. Executive Session: Not needed.
X. Adjournment: By acclamation @ 7:13pm
Respectfully submitted,
Keith Kanzler, Secretary