KXCI Board of Directors Annual Meeting Agenda Thursday, August 19th, 2010 5:30pm
Child and Family Resources, 2800 East Broadway, Tucson DRAFT Minutes, Pending Approval
I. Call to Order at 5:35 by Mary Beth Maralovich.
Regarding Agenda for Board retreat on August 29 at Child and Family Resources: Mary Beth would like to structure the retreat around Board responsibilities and the strategic plan. The Board retreat will include Susan doing a presentation on how to read financial reports. Debra will speak about development and fundraising do’s and don’ts and give the Board some tips and education in that area. The Board retreat will end with presentations as to what the various committees are and what they do with new and old Board members making decisions as to which committees they would like to participate in. It was suggested that Board members participate in approximately two committees.
II. Attendance, Set Next Meeting Date and Time
Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, Susan Banes, Jamie Manser, Cecily Crebbs, Andrew Agnew, Keith Kanzler, Marc Goodman, Michael Wyman, Vance Sanders, Debra Rodriguez, Katie Rogerson. Absent: Lois Grushka, Anne Shivers, Hardy Smith (excused).
The next BOD meeting is September 16th at 5:30 pm at Child and Family Resources.
III. Review and Adopt June 2010 minutes
Motion by Susan, seconded by Debra, to approve the June 2010 minutes as presented. Motion carried.
IV. Committee Reports
a) Bylaws No meeting, nothing to report.
b) Finance Susan Banes reported as Treasurer. The Finance Committee is looking at financial reports in greater detail. Susan did speak to JoAnn and will be getting more detailed reports. Susan will be working with Randy to get the Budget approved before the October Board meeting. Due to the September pledge drive, she expects to have a draft budget in September, with a final budget to present to the Board in October.
Reports C & D: For the first time since we started our underwriting contract we are ahead of budget for the month. Underwriting revenues net of expenses and trade were $3,073 ahead of budget in July. Total net revenues for July of $13,932 were $2,069 less than budget, while monthly expenses of $33,691 were better than budget by $4,257. The net loss of ($19,759) for July was slightly better than the budgeted loss of ($21,947) by a positive variance of $2,189. Total revenues year to date are $302,938, and compared to budget of $322,584 are less than budget by ($19,646). Total expenses through July 31, 2010 were $368,899, compared to budgeted year to date expenses of $381,813; there is a positive variance of $12,914. The actual net loss year to day of ($65,962) varies negatively to the budget of ($59,229) by ($6,732). It is important for the board to remember that we experience losses generally in 10 of 12 months of operation, while the pledge drive months show large surpluses. The budget is seasonalized to reflect this reality.
Report E- Cash flow was a negative $29,306 for the month of July. There were three paydays in July which is why there is a bigger cash outflow. Cash at the end of July was $45,748 in the bank, which should be enough to carry the station through to the beginning of the fall membership drive.
The Finance Committee discussed the need to be sure we are budgeting for the increase in lease payments for the tower. The payments increase incrementally over the 20 year term of the lease. The cash needs of the station will therefore increase as time goes on, and the Board needs to strategize to find ways to grow revenues and cash reserves. We need to build the increased costs into the budget each year and set up a reserve fund for upcoming expenses. Targeted goals need to be set through collaboration between the Finance and Development Committees.
c) Personnel: Debra Rodriguez queried the Board on the status of the General Manager’s job review. The Executive Committee is ready to move forward on that as Personnel has an approved job description. This review will take place in the near future. Currently, the Personnel Committee is working on the Program Director’s job description.
d) Board Development: Currently the committee is Susan Banes as Chair, and Hardy Smith. We will focus on this at the Board retreat. Susan will be bringing more materials to keep the Board informed and educated as to their responsibilities. One candidate Susan had in mind for Board recruitment is unable to participate at this time due work related issues.
e) Development – Debra Rodriguez reported. The Development Committee did have a small gathering on July 7 to have a call party. Amanda Shauger, Debra Rodriguez, and an on-air volunteer, Henry Hallett, participated. They called about 180 people; touching base and leaving phone messages. They would like to do it again in October and have it better attended. Most people were pleased to not be asked for money and to be thanked for donating to KXCI. It was a very pleasant experience. The call list criteria were people who had donated more than $150 in the past year.
f) Elections Andrew Agnew will write up some procedural guidelines. Working on the electronic ballot problem where some people weren’t able to vote on-line who wanted to. Have to troubleshoot that problem with Randy, it is possibly a problem with the list of on-line voters.
g) Strategic Plan Implementation Randy and Mary Beth are revising and updating the Strategic Plan implementation plan, and will bring to Board retreat.
h) CAB Development Jamie Manser reported that the committee met in May. The website information is out of date, four years old. Jamie is hoping to schedule a meeting with Randy and revise the website information.
i) Technology Mary Beth reported. This committee has three sub-committees. There has not been a meeting. No activity with regard to the Northwest as the engineer is pro bono. KXCI needs to pay someone to do the work and put the terrestrial issue on the fast track. The web-site committee has been taken off the web redesign and Jason has assumed the facilitator role. Randy decided that this process was best led by one person rather than by a committee. Jason has communicated with Public Interactive and is working on the website issues. Digitizing the Station – not much going on with this. Mary Beth stated that technology as a whole is a big issue for the Board retreat. Michael Wyman questioned whether the Board needed a separate committee for technology, as it is so integral to the present way we all live. The Board will discuss the use of committees and staff interaction at the Board retreat and evaluate current committees and structure.
V. Volunteer Representative Report Anne not present, nothing to report.
VI. GM Report (staff report) Amanda reporting for Randy. The membership drive begins September 9. There is a shift to having sustaining memberships with monthly giving; people can stop at any time and we will still send out renewals. The idea is that it will increase retention and it can potentially increase the amount of the pledge. Susan pointed out that we need to automate the monthly renewal system so that staff doesn’t have to run credit cards every month. Email renewals might be a good idea. The web store is dead due to web-site issue. The membership database is on Randy’s office computer, we just had another 1/2 gig of memory installed on it.
Jamie was glad that Randy met with head of Arizona Public Media, Jack Gibson. Randy has been tracking PSAs and writing to the organizations to let them know the value of the announcements. KXCI has two upcoming fundraisers at the Rialto Theatre. Andrew questioned Randy’s written report as far as KXCI paying property taxes. The Finance Committee will meet with Randy to find out why tax exemption didn’t go through.
VII. New Business
IIX. Call to Audience
IX. Executive Session
X. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.