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BOD Minutes 2011 February


KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 17th, 2011 5:45 pm
Child and Family Resources, 2800 East Broadway, Tucson Approved 4/21/11

I. Call to Order Meeting called to order by Mary Beth at 5:45pm. II. Attendance, Set Next Meeting Date and Time

Present: Susan Banes, Cecily Crebbs, Marc Goodman, Mary Beth Haralovich, Keith Kanzler, Jamie Manser, Katie Rogerson, Vance Sanders, Hardy Smith, Michael Wyman.

Absent: Andrew Agnew, Lois Grushka, and Anne Shivers are excused.

Next meeting is April 21st, 2011 at 5:45 pm. Mary Beth suggested using the March meeting for Committee meetings.

III. Review and Adopt January 2011 minutes. Debra moved to adopt the minutes, Vance seconded the motion.

IV. Committee Reports

a) Development Keith discussed the Su Casa message. The Committee will meet Thursday, March 3 at 12 pm at KXCI. Michael Wyman introduced Brian Bateman, Senior Director of Major Gifts at the University of Arizona. Brian has been invited to Development Committee meeting in March and will do a presentation to the Board in April.

b) Finance: Report C: Total income was $9449 below budget, but in underwriting costs we were below budget by $5,695, so net underwriting was off target by about $2200. Total expenses of $34,568 for the month were slightly more than the budgeted $36,162, less than 10%. Year-to-date net underwriting revenue is actually tracking slightly ahead of budget at a positive $1,971 variance, or 6%. Total revenues year-to-date are $16,991 ahead of budget. With expenses below budget by almost $4,000, net income is also ahead of budget after 4 months of the year by $21,122. We are off to a good start with the fiscal year so far.

c) Bylaws: Hardy has nothing to report.
d) Personnel: Hardy has nothing to report. Still need Amanda’s job


e) Board Development: Susan Banes, nothing to report. A Board application has been sent out but nothing has been returned. Mary Beth discussed the General Manager Evaluation will take longer than expected. Susan spoke to the fact that this has never been done and sees it as a way for this Board to leave a legacy for the station. It’s a useful process to help gain leadership and sets up a way for the Board to oversee management. Katie has a Board/election question. There are appointments available. Can have 19 members, 5 appointments are currently available. Katie asked if we had put out any announcements for more Board diversity during shows that have a diverse audience. Susan thought that was a great way to get more interested parties. Next election is in June. Susan suggested some promos on Wednesday, Thursday evenings and Sunday morning shows. Randy added that committees are also looking for volunteers.

f) Election Marc Goodman handed out an election schedule. Randy said it’s the exact same schedule as last year except by one day off. Electing three year terms currently held by Vance, Susan, and Michael. Motion to approve the schedule by Hardy, seconded by Michael. Passed unanimously.

g) Strategic Plan Implementation Mary Beth sent out copious notes from the Technology Committee. The actions of the Tech Committee and Development Committee are part of long term goal formations and there will be a need to adjust the Strategic Plan at the next Board retreat.

h) CAB Development Meeting next Wednesday at 6 pm. Jamie would like to have a meeting to get more community members on the CAB. Debra asked if we are running PSA’s related to the 7 items of concern noted with the CAB. Jamie noted that those 7 areas are education, the environment, state & city budget crisis, border issues, arts & culture funding, the strain on social services, and health care.

i) Technology: Debra read about Jason in the Arizona Daily Star hiking up to the transmitter. Mary Beth sent out copious notes to the Board on the recent

Tech Committee meeting. Jamie and Mary Beth are still chairs. Cecily has agreed to subchair the Web Committee. Looking for a subchair for the terrestrial committee. (Marc Goodman has agreed to chair this sub- committee.) Subchair just needs to organize the committee and sets up meetings. Debra asked if someone not on the Board chair a sub-committee. Only Board members can chair committees but non Board members can be in committees.

V. Volunteer Representative Report Anne is not here. Randy spoke for the events coming up. The membership drive starts February 24th. The Peace Fair is February 26th. We are also doing the Festival of Books (March 12-13), which coincides with 2nd Saturdays. Amanda also has a sign up for the Festival in El Barrio Viejo. We need 15 people setting up and cleaning up. The Folk Festival is April 30-May 1. Amanda asked for Board sign-ups.

VI. GM Report (staff report) Randy doesn’t think he will need an extension for the CPB grant, should file it a few days ahead of the due date. He distributed a handout on website usage. 5,249 unique page views. Public Arts is where our modules are – 18,000. Composer is playlist – 59,447 and that includes DJ’s logging on to enter playlists. Each week there are about 70 shows that do that. Amanda’s stories on 30 Minutes in Public Arts. Composer had Your Morning Brew as the most searched playlist on the Monday after Gabby Giffords got shot. Jukebox: Most popular were Flicks, Growing Native, and Arizona Trails. Vance mentioned the streaming is going really well. Jason said we got rid of a filter that was holding back our bandwidth. We have 1,785 Twitter followers, 1,207 Facebook, and 2,714 weekly email (Constant Contact) and 136 active websites that have links to our website.

VII. New Business No new business.

IIX. Call to Audience Ron Sparks asked about having something up on the website to titillate committee participants. Brian asked if membership was a primary fundraising tool. Randy answered we have fewer people giving more money.

IX. Executive Session No need for executive session.

X. Adjournment Debra motioned for adjournment, seconded by Jamie. Adjourned at 6:30 pm.


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