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BOD Minutes April 2014


KXCI Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, April 17, 2014 5:45pm

Maker House, 283 N. Stone Ave., Tucson

 I.  Call to Order

Meeting called to order by Mary Beth Haralovich @ 5:45 p.m.

II.                  Attendance

Present:   Mary Beth Haralovich, Katie Rogerson, David Davis, Steve Itkin, Laura Reese, Becky Birk, David Curl, Jim D’Antonio,   Gene Armstrong- Volunteer Rep, Michael Wyman, Keith Kanzler , Bill Poorten, Jeff Zabel; Excused:  Tony Ford, Jennie Grabel.

III.           Mission Moment:  Randy Peterson circulated names and phone numbers for donors to the Capital Campaign.  Board members call the donors on their list to thank them on behalf of KXCI.

IV.        Capital Campaign Report- Keith Kanzler

Keith reported that pledges now total over $427,000.  He reminded everyone that the Campaign Committee continues to meet Thursdays at 2 pm at the station.  We need volunteers to help with mailings, making thank you calls, to work on continuing asks, and to identify more potential donors to ask to help with the campaign.  Keith announced that we will be having launch parties in the foothills, the NW, and in Oro Valley once the booster goes live.

V.              Consent Agenda

Financials as reported on the Staff Reports and Board Committee Dashboards were approved by consent.  Bill Poorten moved to amend the February Board meeting Minutes to add him as being in attendance and to state that Katie Rogerson was not present and excused.  The Board also thanked David Davis for his years of service to KXCI as his term has now expired.

VI.          Action Items:  Review and Adopt (none)

VII.         Strategic Discussion Items

1)      Treasurer– Mary Beth Haralovich opened the floor to nominations to serve as acting Treasurer to fill the remainder of David Davis’s term.  Bill Poorten offered to run for the position.  Steve Itkin moved to accept Bill Poorten’s nomination to run for the position of acting Treasurer.  Katie Rogerson seconded the motion. After opening the floor to discussion, David Curl moved to close the nominations.  Steve Itkin seconded that motion.  David Davis offered his continuing support upon request.  Steve Itkin moved to approve Bill Poorten as acting Treasurer.  Jeff Zabel seconded the motion, a vote was taken and the motion was unanimously approved.

2)      Strategic Plan- Laura Reese reported that the Committee will be meeting soon to prepare the beginnings of a Strategic Plan with a time table for its development and for presentation to the Board.  Their goal is to have the new Strategic Plan in place by October.

3)      Transmitter launch- Randy reported that the transmitter was ordered during the first week of April.  It will be custom built and is expected to be delivered and installed within 60-90 days.  Reported expenses to date include the total cost of the equipment.  Yet to be incurred is the freight charges and the cost of the labor to install it.

More funds are needed for advertising.  We need to identify more potential donors to ask for assistance.

After the booster is operational, we will begin a print advertising campaign and host launch parties in the new areas that will be receiving our signal.

4)       Elections-  Mary Beth Haralovich reported that this election will include the change to the Bylaws that was approved by the Board regarding Section 9.02 to require a 2/3rd majority vote of the votes cast and which must be voted on by the membership, according to the Bylaws.

Jeff Zabel raised the issue of the Bylaw provision that grants the Executive Committee the authority to make final determinations in matters relating to contract negotiations and personnel issues as he has questioned previously.  See Section 4.13 (3).  As Chair of the Governance Committee, Steve Itkin said that the committee would  look at that provision for possible revision.

Randy Peterson confirmed that nominations for the election will close at 5 pm, May 2, 2014.  Mary Beth Haralovich announced that there are 3, 3 year positions to fill on the Board.  Bill Poorten acknowledged his intent to run.

5)       Honorary Board-  Mary Beth Haralovich and Katie Rogerson reported that it will be designed to be a non-governing and a non-voting group.  There will be no Committee service or volunteer requirements.  Membership may be limited to 10-20 members.  Suggested possible members were discussed.

VIII.        New Business-  Steve Itkin reported about his contact with Vicky Mullins, Community Liaison Coordinator with Tucson Indian Center about volunteer and Board service opportunities for her and for her constituents.

IX.           Call to Audience

Nothing offered.

X.            Board Credo

The Board identified the following things that are being done by Board member to support KXCI’s mission:

-forming an Honorary Board

-Participation of Board members in energizing the Capital Campaign

-Attending Board and Staff trainings (Amanda will email information about upcoming training opportunities)-Focus on supporters at the U of A to raise KXCI’s visibility on campus

-Tell people how we volunteer for and support KXCI

-Turn listeners into members

-Contact, connect, contribute, and closing

XI.             Executive Session (none)

XII.         Meeting Self-Assessment


-Ordering the transmitter

–Bill Poorten serving as Acting Treasurer

-Getting funds from the Arizona Gives Day tha t was not expected

-Watching interactions turn into energy

-Thank you phonathon


-Bill Poorten running for a full term

-Giving David Davis a Bob Dylan CD set in appreciation for his service as Treasurer on the Board


-Studio 2A Volume 9 CD


-The table arrangement for the Board meeting

-Obtaining direction on Board goals

-Meeting room tempuatature is too cold

-Departing Board members David, Michael & Becky

-Celebration plans

-Not thanking staff & volunteers enough


XIII.        Adjournment at 6:47p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Itkin

Secretary of the Board


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